View Full Version : Blood Donation Fears

13-01-14, 04:56
So, I was wondering if perhaps there were some people out there who might be able to help me with something

I am booked in tomorrow (well, today given that it's currently 4:45 am :unsure:) to donate blood at a local hotel. I signed up because I feel it's something I should do but now I'm terrified.

It's not so much pain I am worried about, although that is a concern, it's that my health anxiety is trying to convince me anything could go wrong.

I'm worried about, for example, them taking too much blood. Or them taking a perfectly typical amount and killing me anyway because of some odd reason I brought on myself or another. Or of contracting something horrible. Or... Well, the list goes on, but those are the important bits.

I'm very small (5"2), and my diet for years has been pretty bad. I hardly eat, and don't ever seem to have more than one meal a day. Not because I'm TRYING not to eat, I simply seen to have gotten into bad habits over the last few years. I am somehow still hovering at 8 stone. I really am not sure how that works on my diet. I'm going over and over the stuff that could go wrong in my head, genuinely scared of dying, but I don't want to deny somebody blood they may seriously need.

I am aware it is entirely possible they'll do a blood prick test when I get there and realise my iron levels or whatever are no good for donating, but since I'll probably feel just as bad when that happens for not being able to donate it hardly helps! I'm still afraid and my choice seems to be between guilt and fear.

Are there any regular donors here who might be able to explain things to me? Is there any real danger from a donation like that? I watched the NHS videos, of course, but they don't seem to have told me anything I hadn't already guessed.

13-01-14, 08:08
Hi glyph. I was scared out of my wits the first time I gave blood, I had a long list of what would go wrong bla bla bla. In the end, my fear was the worst thing, I have been nearly 20 times now. Of course I still get a bit nervous but then you know, I think that's only natural.
When u get there you read some information that explains the process. Everyone fills out a health questionnaire.
Before donating not only do they check your levels to ensure you are well enough yourself to donate but if anything is of note on the questionnaire it will be discussed.
When your donation is taken, small samples are kept for testing. To determine your blood type and to screen for any issues. Think of this part as a free quarterly health check. Personally I like the idea that I am checked out in this was periodically and in fact twice when I was anaemic (not due to anything sinister) it was picked up at the session and of course I wasn't able to donate. So sparing my time to give to others actually sorted my own health out.
Also when it's your first donation they take extra special care of you too. Plus if you have reservations then talk about them. The people are trained and they re experienced. They know alot about why people are apprehensive.

I have to say that the adverts are right. "Do something amazing, give blood today".

No kidding.... It's a wonderful thing to do, giving up a small amount of your time (and a bit of you as well of course) the feeling of achievement and knowing what you are doing is going to help other people is so worthwhile.

Daisy Sue
13-01-14, 10:12
It's like anything else - when you've done it once (and survived!), it will give you reassurance and confidence to do it again. I really think anyone who is able to give blood physically, should do so. I wish I could, it is one of my life regrets, but I've had an inflammatory illness (and also a blood transfusion pre-1990s) so I'm not allowed.

My precious Mum is now having blood transfusions regularly, and all of us are so grateful for those who give so that others like my Mum can live.

I think the feeling of giving or saving lives would empower you beyond your anxieties, but all I can advise is give it one go & see how you feel. It won't hurt you or make you poorly in any way, they won't take too much, and won't take any if they think you're below par.

13-01-14, 13:03
First off, it's a really good thing to give blood. It helps so many others by doing so. You should get a pat on the back.

Second, as was stated, they don't just stick you and hope for the best! It's a very carefully controlled process start to finish and they make sure you're fine before they let you go.

Third... concerning weight and not eating. You actually have to eat if you want to lose weight. When you starve yourself, intentionally of not, you body goes into starvation mode and holds onto everything it can in self defense. That's why, despite bad habits and not eating your weight has stayed the same. Eating small meals or "grazing", with healthy foods is a very healthy way to go.

Again, you're doing a good thing :)

Positive thoughts

13-01-14, 16:23
Thank you for all your responses everyone.

Unfortunately I was turned away today as they suspect I have an infection because of a tooth problem. Didn't even get pricked! This made me feel pretty bad, which is probably selfish of me, because far better for them to refuse potentially infected blood than to accept it and make someone in trouble more sick (the nurse there said this to me: nurses are amazing like that, they're this combination of empathy and having a bull-sense which is through the roof for people who are being silly, as I undoubtedly was at that moment!)

I feel pretty bad that I wasn't able to donate after all that, but I will wait until things clear up and then try again for donation. At least my fears have been allayed this time and I'm very grateful to you all.

I'll try an sort out the eating thing, too. clearly it's a problem I didn't realise I had as badly as I do.

13-01-14, 22:18
Glyph... I'm pleased you went along. That's shows u have got guts. You did face your fear and therefore the outcome is less important.
Of course you will feel disappointed but as you say, you can get better and then try again.
I am proud of you for going there and trying. Well done!!!!
I always feel in awe of the staff at the sessions and wish I could be one of them!

Daisy Sue
13-01-14, 23:00
I agree with Tessar - well done on going. Even though you couldn't donate this time, you turned up willing to, and that's a massive achievement in itself! I hope your infection gets better soon :)