View Full Version : Foot problems, freaking out!

13-01-14, 12:13
Hello All!

OK so, a couple of weeks before Christmas, I was just standing in my office at work when I felt something zing in the heel of my left foot. It kind of felt like it does when you bash your elbow and you get that electric shock down into your fingers.

It really hurt to walk on it that day and the next but loosened up a bit after that. But If I lifted the toes up too high, especially if my leg was stretched straight, I could feel something tugging in my heel. Almost as if there was a muscle or nerve being stretched.

A week or so later, I noticed that the pain was radiating more to the outside of my foot and into my little toe. Especially if I rolled my foot (which I have a bad habit of doing subconsciously if I am standing around for a long period of time). I'd get a sharp pain in my little toe like a bone was trying to force its way through the skin! It is still happening now, feeling like little zaps if I turn it or knock it accidentally. I can walk OK although I've found it's hurting in my calves too. I've put this down to the fact that I'm wearing flat shoes everywhere now and am unconsciously adjusting the way I walk so as not to wrench that foot. But of course, being me, my mind is also going in all sorts of directions.

I've just noticed a bump on the lower part of my leg, too. It's not hard but when I move the skin, the colour of it changes from normal to darker, like there is a bruise under the skin or something. Is this possible? I went Googling (bad idea!) and now seem convinced that it's soft tissue sarcoma but can't tell if the lump would always be hard.

I thought the thing in my foot might be a trapped nerve but I don't know if that would affect my leg too. They keep feeling cold every now and again but not sure if that's because it is actually cold!

Getting an appointment at the doctors is always a nightmare and I'm honestly worried about what she might suggest.

Just wanted to vent really, I don't imagine anyone will really have any suggestions though I am happy to hear them!

13-01-14, 12:32
It does sound like a trapped nerve or muscle. If you think about it, a sciatica is a trapped nerve in the lower spine but the pain radiates down the thigh. Nerve pain can be a nightmare!

I think you need to get the foot checked out. If you can still walk on it then it doesn't sound that serious but if it is a trapped nerve or damage muscle then it will need treating. Don't worry about it, I've had pain in my leg and foot like that before when I fell down the stairs, it healed within a few months.