View Full Version : New - feeling so stupid

16-11-06, 09:15
Hello there, I'm thankful I found this website, reading some of your stories is putting everything into perspective for me and I don't feel so alone.

I suffered from panic attacks and claustophobia back in 1997-1999. The doctor wasn't helpful then but I had some lovely colleagues at work and they helped me, along with relaxation tapes, lavender oil and reading up on panic attacks. I haven't really suffered since until now although I avoid public transport, lifts and closed in spaces.

I've been under a lot of stress just lately and have been feeling low for a while (not long been diagnosed with PCOS). My father died in May 2005 and I thought I was okay. Anyway to cut a long story short I had a few anxiety attacks last week on the stairs at work (can't use lifts) and in the street which I managed to control. But yesterday things came to a head and I realised I needed help. I broke down in the street completing panicking. It was the Opening of Parliament yesterday and I was in Whitehall trying to get across to the Embankment, loads of crowds, fences up everywhere, just couldn't find a way out and I panicked/cried (a first). Asked a couple of nice policemen/woman to help me and they calmed me down and walked me to the Embankment where I met up with my husband.

I visited the doctor yesterday afternoon and asked for help. She thinks it a combination of all the stress I've been under and my father dying. She has given me 2 mg diazepam (just taken the first tablet) and signed me off work for 2 weeks and suggested counselling but said there was a long waiting list on the NHS for counselling. We actually have counsellors at work as I work for a large Government Department.

I'm never off sick and have never used a medical certificate. I can self certificate for 7 working days so will probably do that and go back to work so I can make an appointment with a counsellor. I felt guilty just taking that medical certificate.

I felt soooo stupid yesterday once I realised what had happened. I feel very low but reading some of the threads on this forum has been helping this morning and may be the diazepam is kicking in - at the moment I feel sort of calm and sort of dejected from it all (is that what diazepam does?). Not sure how long it takes to start working.

Thanks for the info, I'll go and buy some Rescue Remedy too as that sounds useful, I was scared to take the diazepam so don't want to rely on them.

Well, that's me. Thanks for listening.

16-11-06, 09:24

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-11-06, 11:48
You have certainly come to to right place for help and reassurance, and there is no way you should feel at all stupid, we all get these moments to some degree.
I have felt just like you, my father died earlier this year after a long illess, and at first I was fine, it was only about 3 months ago it really hit me. I am seeing the practice counsellor next week, as my GP seems to think I have some unresolved issues with my mother dying suddenly when I was a teenager as well. Although i haven't had diazepam i am on 20mg Citalopram and so far so good, they seem to dampen down the worst feelings.
I am sure when you see your counsellor you will find a way out of "panic wood" , it's always helpful to come on here, we know we are not alone.

16-11-06, 11:54
As i read your message i felt the panic of what it would be like stuck with no way to get out, i was along the Embankment during the Marathon one year and it was pretty awful for someone who didn't suffer from panic.
Hope you're made feel welcome here :)

16-11-06, 12:17
Hi Valerie

Firstly, leave the guilt behind, you don't need it and you have nothing to feel guilty about!!

Secondly, Welcome to NMP, you will find loads in here to help, advise and support you. There are heaps of friendly folks who can relate to what you say and feel.

Forums and chat have been really useful for me.

Take care


Laissez les bon temp roulez

16-11-06, 12:32
Hi Valerie,

A Big warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice here while making new friends on the way::D

First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



16-11-06, 14:38
hiya, i take rescue remedy, but have diazapam for when im really bad, they work more a less straight away, they seem to stop the panic in its tracks, although i dont seem to feel any different. maybe a bit tired. try positive thinking, all the negative ones start the panic, if you can correct them, the panic subsides eventually.

feel free to pm me if you have any worries
take care

16-11-06, 15:07
Hi Valerie,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


16-11-06, 15:30
Welcome to the site Valerie :)
I know that you will find loads of great info and a real supportive bunch of people here.

16-11-06, 17:16
Thanks so much for your warm welcome and your support.

Was okay earlier, guess it was the pill, but went downhill a bit about an hour ago and felt pretty anxious. Managed to get myself round it though by concentrating on Deal or No Deal, thinking happy thoughts and trying to get positive. Think it helped.

I need to travel up to Suffolk to visit my Mum tomorrow and am worried about the travelling, we return Saturday morning. I was okay last time (about a month ago) and know the journey inside out. I've bought some rescue remedy so hope that'll help.

My boss phoned me this afternoon (she's been on leave, returned today) and was very good about it all. She's getting in contact with our work counsellors for me and arranging for them to phone me. My boss has said to take as much time off as I need, so I'll see how I go next week.

The only side affect I seemed to have after taking the tablet was that my legs felt pretty weak for a time.

I know if I sleep better tonight I will feel more positive tomorrow.

16-11-06, 17:27
Hi to you, i have to agree with libbie, i take rescure remedy, and have diazepam close at hand if needed. I would stick with the rescue remedy as diazapam can be addictive and you do feel abit spaced out,well i do anyway. Nice to have you here take care. lorrain

16-11-06, 23:18
Hi Valerie,your not alone pet.You will get lots of support here.And lots of advise.;)

Ellen XX

18-11-06, 11:34
Thank you for all your support and advice, yes I've been trying to think positively.

Rescue remedy is great. I took some yesterday afternoon and again last night before I went to bed and I think it helped me sleep some. I didn't sleep brilliantly but much better than the other nights when I seem to drop off and then wake up a couple of hours and can't sleep for the rest of the night.

Just taken my second diazapam pill as I was feeling particularly bad this morning.

My boss has arranged for a work counsellor to phone me Monday.

19-11-06, 04:01
Hi Rose

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope the trip goes ok for you.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

19-11-06, 12:33