View Full Version : Anxiety. Are these vision problems related ?

13-01-14, 16:16
Dear all,

I am posting to see whether anybody has the same visual problems I have, currently.

I am finding them difficult to cope with, but I am currently taking Pregabalin (50mg), Mirtazapine (15mg) and Duloxetine (50mg).

My visual problems are as follows:
- Grainy Vision
- Dark vision (outside and some objects look darker)
- Colours and some objects look brighter - Red, White, Yellow, Blue, Green
- Double Vision
- Hazy Vision
- Blurry Vision
- light and object afterimage
- Halos around lights (Sometimes large with wavy lines in them)
- Lights seem more yellow
- Fuzzy vision
- Blue dots
- Busy dots on walls
- Cloudy Vision
- Lights seem more yellow
- Dotty vision
- Objects appear to be sinking
- After a nap my vision is more disorientated for a short time.
- When my eyes are closed I see swirling lights, blues lines and waves.

Mental Problems:
- Urge to sleep
- Very disorientated all the time (That is all I feel)
- Strange behavior e.g. talking to myself
- Chemical like smells
- I forget what I am saying alot
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Unsteadiness on feet
- Brain fog
- Tinnitus

I have had my eyes checked by an ophthalmologist and they said they are ok.

Thanks for your time.



13-01-14, 16:31
Are those meds meant to be taken together? and could these symptoms be side effects? I know it's common with Sertraline to have nausea, vomiting, tiredness and tinnitus.

13-01-14, 16:49
Dear LunaLiuna,

I am currently reducing the Deloxutine as it may be causing me more visual problems.

However I had alot of visual problems before hand. Thus I am going to take some medications I have taken before I had anxiety related visual problems.

Thanks for the response.


13-01-14, 16:56
it could also be causing you the mental problems, especially if your not suppose to be taking the three at the same time.

13-01-14, 16:56
Visual problems are a symptom of anxiety. Adrenaline causes our pupils to dilate which can cause disturbances, like what you've mentioned above.

13-01-14, 17:57
Pregabalin has caused me to have visual problems ,but only at a higher dose.

I find I can go up to 300mg ,but any more is too much for my eyes.
It is a listed side effect for pregabalin, but you are on a very low dose.

13-01-14, 18:59
Do you happen to clench your jaw or grind your teeth a lot, or when you are asleep?

13-01-14, 19:18
I do that and my jaw is always firmly shut and toung pressed firmly on roof of mouth

13-01-14, 19:30
Visual disturbances can have a number of causes. If they started since you started taking medication, its likely to be medication related. I experienced 'visual snow' on citalopram which has persisted to this day, even though I've been off it for over 3 months now. It also caused cognitive dysfunction and sexual side effects, which was a shame because it worked really well for anxiety and intrusive thoughts, even at a low dose.

How long have you been taking each of these medications for?

13-01-14, 19:39
I'm not on any meds and having constant vision issues, trouble focusing. The way I can explain it is the last 15% of whatever It is I'm looking at doesn't equate in my brain even though I can see everything. Like I have a filter that preventing me seeing a clear image. I would describe blurred vision as needing a new windscreen wiper. Nearest to your description would be cloudy vision. MRI scan tomorrow. Dreading it. Not the process but the result.

Good luck

---------- Post added at 19:39 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------

I've had my eyes tested and my eyes are fine don't even need new prescription. Optic nerve in eye is fine.

14-01-14, 02:22
Hello, I have most of your visual disturbances. I got obsess with my vision after taking LSD(worst mistake of my life) the constant worry and dread made me developed more symptoms the more I searched for them. My GP says it's all anxiety related, I didn't believe him but it seems that anxiety can affect your vision greatly, as we can see in you and me. I recommend to take medical test to put your mind at rest.

15-12-16, 00:51
Hi. I know it's been a while since the post, but did your vision get better? I have been experiencing the same symptoms for a bit now. Update?

17-09-17, 14:01
Ok I realize this is a super old post, but I'd be interested if anyone else had anything similar? I was on mirtazapine in May-June for a month and I got all of the weird visual symptoms that you've mentioned. I've been to an ophtamologist & neurologist and all the tests came out fine, but my vision is still not back to normal even though I'm now off mirtazapine for 2 months. My psych doesn't believe it could be from mirt, but it literally started on the day that i started taking it and never went away even though the rest of my symptoms subsided and my anxiety is much better.

17-09-17, 18:18
CYMBALTA makes my vision blurred at times. makes driving a bit tricky