View Full Version : These moles are annoying me now

13-01-14, 19:50
Past 6 months to a year ive seen a lot of new moles appear on my body and face.
i am 22 years old and always heard new moles after 20 arent common.
Just this morning i found what i think is a mole its completely flat but with a reddish brown tint, i dont know if it is a mole but my family said it isnt..but its completely flat.
How will my anxiety ever go if shit like this keeps happening.

13-01-14, 23:22
That's really not true about moles not appearing after 20. Doctor google says that but my real doctor said they pop up throughout life. I got so many moles when I was 27 I went to the skin doc and got the all clear. I'm sure your mole is fine but if you want to go to the skin doc for a full body scan it will put your mind at ease.

14-01-14, 01:04
What about the colour?
I thought it was normal colour because I'm colour blind lol
but when I asked my sister if she thought it was a mole she said it looks like a cut because it was reddy pinkish, and my mum said the same thing.
It's not a cut though because it's underneath the skin and completely flat.
It's quite small but when I stretch the skin it's clearly a small round circle.

14-01-14, 01:22
ABCD's of moles A for asymerical the mole should be symetrical meaning if you cut it in half it should be a mirror image. B for border the borders should be well defined. C for colour it should be the same color throughout it should not be speckled. So yes it can be pink or red I have a few that color. It shouldn't be different colours like brown blue and red in one mole. D for diameter, it shouldn't be larger than a pencil eraser. Now I have large moles and some that have different colours in them but I had them checked out and they are normal so it doesn't mean that anything is wrong.