View Full Version : I'm not Anxious but feel like i'm going insane

13-01-14, 22:46
Hi all sorry for the vent but Been having a difficult time last few months with depression and Gad,i feel as though i have gotton the better of HA..the problem is i feel totally wired like full of adreneline and i don't know why,the main symptom is the hyper feeling like i will explode at any time,tight head pressure ,sore muscles,eyes feel like they are bulging out of my head,unable to think properly,feel as though i could do something random/stupid any moment but not feeling scared,more of an anger hyper feeling...does this sound like serious mental health problems like psychosis ? thanks.

13-01-14, 22:57
If you had phychosis you wouldn't be asking. People that go insane are unaware they are going insane.

13-01-14, 22:58
Puppyskin, I think your post should be like this: "Hi, I am not anxious but I am anxious".


15-01-14, 13:01
Thanks,but i just feel as though i don't care anymore.so tired.

15-01-14, 13:30
I know exactly the feeling you mean. I had a similar time of it last night and this morning. The best way I find to use up all that adrenaline is to do some very physical activity. I knew I couldn't settle to the computer work I needed to do this morning so have done all those household tasks that I've been putting off instead. It has certainly worn me out but also calmed me down. A brisk walk can also help if the feeling start to worry you. The adrenaline will eventually settle down.

As a long time anxiety sufferer I suspect you are far from going insane and just realising that sometimes we can be very anxious without even properly recognising it. Sounds like your body is telling you there is something at the back of your mind that's niggling you that's all. This sounds like a healthy body and mind working together and not anything sinister that you need to be fretting about.

All good wishes


15-01-14, 20:52
Hello, if it helps, I rarely actually felt 'scared' or 'worried' when I suffered from anxiety, I felt much more like you're describing.

Feeling scared isn't really a key criteria for anxiety, weirdly :-) You sound stressed to me.

15-01-14, 21:07
Yes,stressed is about right but i don't know why,i'm a long term sufferer of anxiety and depression but always felt worried or scared.it's like i have a don't care what happens attitude and a lot of anger..at least when you suffer anxiety there is some fight to survive there..i just feel like i cannot be bothered to fight anymore,just totally wound up with life..