View Full Version : i feel at the end of coping help needed

14-01-14, 13:13
i have written a lot of posts on here and had some kind replies at the moment i just dont know where to turn i have severe anxiety health anxiety issues worst i have ocd depression and physical problems are ibs severe fibromyalgia and chronic gastritis in my stomach i have decided that as 40mg of citalopram were not doing anything now to wean off ive come down my 10mg in 8 weeks so im not rushing it my fibromyalgia has got more painful and worse of all my gastritis is bad at the moment and some bowel pain i keep thinking ive got stomach cancer or bowel and im scared stiff my eating is quite forced as i think if i dont eat weight loss = cancer i have a lot of stomach pain but i had a barium enema in october which was clear there was one bit they couldnt see as well as liked and i keep thinking it might have cancer in there im frightened my doctor is amazing i have had gastritis for 5 years and she takes me seriously i went yesterday and she changed my ppi to try help the gastritis im getting horrible thoughts about dying and stomach cancer i had endo 14 months ago showed mild gastritis please someone advise me could it be to do with citalopram l:weep:lowering too

14-01-14, 15:36
Hi tracieann I'm going through a similar thing, I've got gastro probs and burst into tears with doc yest, as said referring me to a surgeon for a colonoscopy, well that was it I just burst into tears and I said it's stomach or bowel cancer so he's doing it as urgent as I'm so worried. I've had a very sore lower left side of abdomen which I believe is the bowel, plus diarrhea for nearly 4 weeks, now this is since antibiotics and anti depressant sertraline...is there a connection who knows but I have been crying on and off since doc yest. Docs have mentioned colitis and diverticulitis but my mind says cancer and nothing can stop me thinking this. I've heard on here that setraline can cause stomach probs and diarrhea , perhaps other anti depressants have the same effect or worsen existing symptoms? I too feel like I'm at the end of coping , I'm making plans to make sure my son is looked after when I'm gone, I have removed google and the iPad had been hidden from me as it's made me extremely poorly with anxiety :hugs: xxx

14-01-14, 18:48
oh dear pet you are very much like me you have already set your mind on cancer set yourself for all sorts of devastating things i know exactly how you feel i can reason with you your dr is sending you to exclude cancer and check whats going on it dosent automatically mean he thinks you have it it is to see what is going on in there could be all kinds of things parasitic infection food allergy severe ibs colitis crohns not necessarily cancer you poor soul its good to have someone to share all this stuff with and im glad to hear from you it helps so much i hate HA so very much its so awful im here if you need to chat

14-01-14, 19:47
I've got stomach problems too and my mind is in overdrive which is only making it worse! I've also got a prescription for citalopram but haven't taken any as I can't cope with that as well. Currently taking esomeprazole and the odd diazepam. Isn't HA hideous?! Most people would just take things in their stride but I just freak out at any symptoms and am terrified of tests/doctors etc. and what they might find. So fed up x

14-01-14, 23:03
Looks like we all need our heads banging together! Exhausted from anxiety overdrive...I too have OCD and now it's all relating to this new obsession...small things happening, numbers, words etc all have a hidden meaning, I'm sure I'm losing the plot...:wacko:

16-01-14, 17:58
been on omeprazole for two days last time i was on them i itched and had to stop this time it seems ok my tummy feels a little better today i still have pain in both sides but this is my fibromyalgia calmer than i was but still fret the minute i get tummy ache again i am having bad depressive moments while on the lowering citalopram but im just going to do my best to keep on cant watch either coronation st or eastenders as someone has cancer on both hope you are ok

16-01-14, 18:46
I had to have the same colonoscopy as I had blood in my stools. I couldn't do anything for the whole week while I waited. I was so depressed and convinced I ha bowel cancer. Turned out to be a tear. The doctors have to refer you if you are worried because there are so many misdiagnosis now days but try not to jump to the worst case scenario. Cancer is the least likely diagnosis so don't dwell on it. It seems every thread I read about horrible symptoms and HA are where the individuals are taking sertraline. I was on these for a year and developed health anxiety. I detest these tablets an can honestly say it's been the worst year of my life. They seem to cause nothing but problems. I sincerely hope you can try and reduce your anxiety until your colonoscopy. But do let us no now you get on. We are all going through the same and you are not alone