View Full Version : My final confusing symptom (to me)

14-01-14, 14:08
Hello everyone :)

Okay so, I've managed to rationalise all of my other symptoms between Anxiety and Bruxism, I won't bother writing them all here, but they're pretty typical and I've seen them wrote about and explained plenty of times.

There's one though that still confuses me, I wake up most mornings with a blocked or semi blocked nose, sometimes it's not blocked at all, I do seem to be getting a sore throat as well and I have to cough sometimes. could this be my jaw clenching or perhaps acid reflux or something? it's only really happened since I started Sertraline. there's not really any mucus although sometimes it feels a little bit like there is.

Thank you :)

14-01-14, 15:01
Luna I also have this nose running in the morning problem too, and I also clench my jaws/grind my teeth at night as well as having acid reflux which is usually worse at night as you know yourself.

I'm not sure what causes it, if it's the acid or the clenching, but one of them is definitely the culprit! When I go on PPIs for the acid my nose is fine in the morning, but when I come off them I tend to grind my teeth more in my sleep because of the acid and my nose will run in the morning when I wake up. I just don't know which one is causing the problem because they both seem to come together, but I have a feeling that it's probably the acid.

I also have the sore throat/coughing thing, and put this down to the acid coming up at night. I've tried a lot to deal with the problem, but I have a hiatal hernia so I'm not sure how much I can do by myself.

You sound like you're having really similar problems to me, and honestly I know myself that this is all down to the acid & clenching problems, so I don't think you need to worry xx

14-01-14, 15:11
Ah thank you, it's great to know someone has the same problem, I'm getting a mouth guard for the clenching tomorrow, so hopefully it might relieve it a little, although apparently they only really protect your teeth and don't stop the actual clenching. I don't know.

Thank you! :)

14-01-14, 15:48
I'm a terribly tooth grinder too. It's a wonder I have any left in my head. I also get the nose symptoms and now realise its the heating in my bedroom. I've turned it down a notch and feel less toasty but more clear headed/nosed(?) when I wake up.

All good wishes

14-01-14, 17:57
ooooo, I do sleep next to a heater, interesting :)