View Full Version : Not doing good

14-01-14, 14:32
For the past 2 weeks my stomach hasn't felt right , started off constipated and then that went , ever since I've felt nauseous after food and my stomach feels windy and rumbly, the weekend I couldn't even face a glass of wine, I don't know if I'm fixating on it but my stomach really bubbly, is this a symptom of stomach or pancreatic cancer I'm so close to googling but know I'll regret it, so thought id post here , does anybody know the symptoms? Xx

14-01-14, 15:25
You don't want to Google it but you want someone here to tell you the symptoms - ask yourself, what's the difference?

It's just anxiety.

14-01-14, 15:39
So sorry you're not feeling too good. I know the symptoms myself and sometimes I think our stomach is just telling us it needs a bit of a rest. I don't know if you celebrate Christmas, but those who do often have these symptoms throughout January . In fact, a friend of mine has had something very similar and although she didn't overdo it over the holiday period, she said she'd eaten quite a mixture of foods she wouldn't normally have. Over the weekend she was concerned when she couldn't face her usual tipple and nurse at work said she's had loads of people in with the same thing.

Please try not to google. I've had anxiety problems for a lonnnnng time and trust me googling won't help. I really suspect these symptoms will pass in their own good time.

Hope you can take some comfort from these few lines and wishing you better days ahead.

14-01-14, 15:51
Do not google, remove all access to it on your devices, it totally messes your head up x :hugs:

14-01-14, 16:25
Thanks everyone I did google but not symptoms only age group risks , I'm 34 and it Seems this a low risk group xx

14-01-14, 20:59
The coronation street story is everywhere and it's not helping :( x