View Full Version : How did you know when to increase dose?

14-01-14, 18:13
As the title says really just wondering how you know when it's time to increase the dose? I'm only on 5mg and wondering if a bigger dose would be more helpful for my anxiety.

15-01-14, 10:03
You don't mention what you're taking?

Changing dosages of any medication you take should be something you discuss with your doctor if you feel your medication is not working for you.

Of course other people here will happily tell you what they take and their experiences. :D

15-01-14, 13:37
You're on escitalopram right? How long have you been taking 5mg for? Have you had any side effects so far?

25-01-14, 14:58
You don't mention what you're taking?

Changing dosages of any medication you take should be something you discuss with your doctor if you feel your medication is not working for you.

Of course other people here will happily tell you what they take and their experiences. :D

You're on escitalopram right? How long have you been taking 5mg for? Have you had any side effects so far?

Sorry for the late reply teej and Emphyrio, yes I'm on Escitalopram (cipralex/lexapro) and I'm still on the 5mg, been on it for 12 weeks this coming Monday, so quite a while now really! I haven't really had any side effects apart from slight ones at the beginning like yawning, feeling hungry and some visual disturbances. I do feel some benefits in some areas but there are other things that I still can't do or can't see myself being able to do. I don't know if I'm making sense here! It's just hard for me to know how I should feel because it's been so long since I've had anxiety, I just don't know what normal is anymore.

I've asked my GP a few times now but she doesn't want to increase yet, last time we spoke she said to come back in 2 months, but to be honest I think she's just being very cautious with me as she knows how difficult it was to get me to take them in the first place. The thing is, now I've taken them I feel like that's the hardest part over, I don't see myself being put off now because I see now that they help and that I need them to get better. I just don't know how much more I will get out of the 5mg after 12 weeks?

For example, I've been able to go shopping a few times, visting family etc but certain things like queues, going out alone (to name a few) I'm still not able to do, but maybe would be able to with an increase in dose? ARGHHH this is SO difficult :(

26-01-14, 04:33
I guess its a tough one - increasing your dose can bring benefits, but also raises the possibility of you experiencing side effects. Libido/sexual side effects especially appears to be affected by dosage.

Also, you should not necessarily assume that the medication will be like a 'magic bullet' that will get rid of anxiety. It is likely that you would have to implement talking therapies as well to make real gains.

Have you considered taking fish oil and b-vitamins? These can also help anxiety and generally benefit your physical health.

26-01-14, 14:34
I guess its a tough one - increasing your dose can bring benefits, but also raises the possibility of you experiencing side effects. Libido/sexual side effects especially appears to be affected by dosage.

Also, you should not necessarily assume that the medication will be like a 'magic bullet' that will get rid of anxiety. It is likely that you would have to implement talking therapies as well to make real gains.

Have you considered taking fish oil and b-vitamins? These can also help anxiety and generally benefit your physical health.

This is what I'm struggling with, I guess nobody knows though, I just wonder how you know it's time to increase? Are there any signs or symptoms or anything? I am awaiting therapy, I've had CBT in the past but it's never really helped me long term, only short term. I'm hoping it will be a lot more useful now along with the medication. I'm just so desperate to get better and be normal (as can be!) as I feel I've wasted so much time and I'm also feeling a lot of pressure to do certain things at my age (eg. have a job, social life, go to parties, relationships, education, learn to drive etc).

I've never taken other vitamins but I'm sure they would help as I don't get out much to excercise and my diet isn't the best! Daft question but are they OK to take with SSRI's? Or should I ask my GP?

26-01-14, 23:48
I guess the decision whether or not to increase is a grey area and is dependent on how you feel. It sounds like you're tolerating the 5mg well so maybe the 10mg would help? If things aren't going so well you could always go back down to 5mg, or even try 7.5mg. I guess its up to you though. Personally, I would keep the dose of any drug I take to the minimum necessary to provide adequate relief of my symptoms - lower dosages make it easier to come off in future and minimise side effects - but again, only you know what adequate relief is.

I know the feeling re: the pressure to do things at certain ages!

Multivitamins and Omega 3 fish oils are perfectly find to take with antidepressants. The only herbal remedies you should avoid whilst taking antidepressants are ones that work in similar ways to antidepressants, for example, St John's Wort, which can cause serotonin syndrome.

27-01-14, 22:23
Hi Jayjoe

I did the same as you and was on 5mg of cipralex for a few weeks - I was feeling better but still having bad days and feeling anxious. My counsellor said I really should increase to 10mg as 5mg is a sub therapeutic dose. 10mg is the standard dose. I am very sensitive to meds and was really worried about increased side effects. I bit the bullet and increased to 10mg - I went up to 7.5mg for 2 days then 10mgs. No side effects!!!!! Within a couple of weeks I started to feel better and the good days increased I would say it took around 4 weeks to feel the full benefits of the increase but now I feel fine!!! Try it - give it a decent amount of time to work though - I am sure you will feel the benefit. Good luck!!