View Full Version : LE GASP! It's my 10 year anniversary!

14-01-14, 19:16
So it has come to my attention that I have been a member of NMP for 10 years!


When I first joined this site I was a very scared 14 year old who had no idea what was wrong with her and what hrt future had in plan for her. I met the most awesome people here, who helped me to understand what I was suffering from and supported me when my family and teachers refused to care that I was at the very first stage of developing a serious anxiety disorder (which I believe they could have stopped, if they cared).

If I asked that 14 year old where I would be 10 years time I would never imagine I'd meet my best friend, who is now my loving husband, find a career suitable for me and a hobby of creative and professional writing when my schools constantly put me down on my English language and literature abilities. I still have a long way to go but I cannot deny the leaps and bounds that I have come.

I suppose you could say that I defied the odds!

So heed my lesson, YOU CAN GET BETTER! It takes courage, determination, motivation and a strong urge to want to be better. But we all have the capability of overcoming this god awful illness. Even if we never get 100% better, anything is better than nothing.

I also want to say thank you to each and everyone of you. When I was a teenager I have been scared, confused and alone. I had the best support I could get from you guys when I was being bullied at school and nobody wanted to help me, you guys were there to listen, and to just say 'That sucks, are you alright?' helped me a lot, just to know that somebody cared. This is a great community that needs more recognition for the hard work it does for people who suffer from a mental illness and their friends and families affected. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!

14-01-14, 19:46
A lovely post Rennie :)

14-01-14, 19:57
Yes Happy 10th NMP Anniversary Rennie and yes a very nice post
Hope you're keeping well :hugs:

Antonio ;-)