View Full Version : Hello Everyone

14-01-14, 20:48
I'm joining this forum to ease my mid I guess.

I'm a 31 year old male and live in the US. I've had an all out major panic attack about 2 months after my son was born (he's 5 now) and have been suffering from anxiety ever since.

I was a hypochondriac, checking out every little thing that I worried about. I've had a CT scan done since I stressed over my headaches and went to numerous specialists with various imagined illnesses. I've had a surgery done on lipoma that I thought was cancerous and various other procedures that turned out unnecessary.

About two years ago my doctor put me on Citalopram and that seemed to help a lot. It eased my mind and I started worrying less. However as time went on, I noticed that I started suffering from memory loss and gained a little weight. (nothing scary, maybe 30lbs, but still). I can probably attribute this to consuming larger amounts of alcohol but I think it was a combination of both. The thing that aggravated me most was the dependency on my doctor every time I needed a refill. My doctor would usually give me a 90 day prescription after which I'd have to come in for a visit again. It was just annoying. So after talking with her about it I decided I would get off of it. She was ok with it.

I stopped Citalopram about 4 months ago. First two weeks were not fun, dizzy spells and overall feeling of weakness. I still get them sometimes. However, I did lose 15lbs already. The thing is, everything is starting to come back again. Headaches, hypochondria, everything is coming back and I don't know what's worse...


14-01-14, 21:23
:welcome: Jonas, why not ask for another type of medication? or maybe even try some CBT? it sounds like you haven't quite got rid of your problems.

15-01-14, 02:42
:welcome: Jonas, why not ask for another type of medication? or maybe even try some CBT? it sounds like you haven't quite got rid of your problems.

I guess not. This is what worries me the most. Does it mean that I will have to take these pills forever? I've asked my doctor for other medication but she said the other ones have more serious side effects. She also referred me to a CBT practitioner. I just never went. Too much things to do and too much to worry about to find the time... :(