View Full Version : Mini update

16-11-06, 11:43
I got worse with my sinus infection, went to see dr he gave me anti bs last week, only 250mg but by friday temp went down and I felt better, ended up back at dr monday as temp was up again so they increased my anti b to 500mg but by that night I had enough so I rung Bupa who saw me that evening. I saw an ENT consultant and last night I had a CT scan, should get results monday:-)

He said it could well be a sinus problem cause by allergies, im looking forward to finding out. The CT scan was a little scary but hey I did it!!

So im waiting on those results but at the moment whats looming over me is this HIV blood test im having on the 27th, I am so scared about ringing for those results and hearing positive over the phone:( I am terrified. My dr told me last week its only a precaution as we didn't have full sex (he didnt' finish, sorry) we don't know if he has it and likely hood he doesn't as he gives blood every 4 months etc..... and then he told me *if* this man had hiv the chances of me catching it from sex are 1%, thats very low, so low im doubting him, lol! surely this can't be right but at the time it reasured me totally but now im back panicking. I want this all to be over:( I keep thinking I will die and leave my children, my life will be over if I have hiv, im so scared. This man has a reputation for being a right flirt so im petrified he has it even though my friends thinkim mad for even worrying about it because he is so well tested and only recently came out of a 4yr relationship.

Sorry to ramble on I just pray my GP is right about the risk factor being so low.

16-11-06, 12:17
Thanks for the update, I was wondering how you were getting on!

I think your GP is right - it's actually much harder to catch than the media make out. I think I told you of a women who found out she'd had it for years; she'd never infected her husband or her children (which were conceived after she would have contracted it).

Try to stay positive, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just think how relieved you'll be when it's all over.

Glad to hear you are getting sinuses sorted out too - well done!

Take care,

16-11-06, 12:23
Low risk factor sounds good to me Jem.

Try to remember that a lot of tests we have are to make sure we havent something as opposed to checking if we have.

Take care


Laissez les bon temp roulez

piglits pal
16-11-06, 15:54
Remember the media there are to sell papers/magazines/whatever and they do that by sensationalising the facts. It's a hard disease to catch at the best - or should I say worst - of times.

You'll be fine.

16-11-06, 18:46
Thanks so much guys your all lovely and very reassuring.