View Full Version : aches and pains - rant

14-01-14, 23:23
So for a couple of weeks now I've been suffering from upper leg discomfort (both legs, kind of at random). It started as what felt like a hamstring pull, and has progressed into hamstring, groin, knee, and outer thigh pain, as well as low back pain. I also have tender spots and sensitive skin. I also get little muscle spasms all over. No fever, no swelling, no unrelenting pain (ie: if I straighten up and sit properly, or walk around, etc, the pain goes away). Nothing is sore enough to wake me from sleep. No muscle weakness.

Rational me says "You've had near constant anxiety for a month and a half that is just starting to ease up, your muscles have been wound tighter than Tigger's tail, you work at a desk for the better part of the day, of course you are achey and feeling gross."

Anxiety me says "DVT! Pelvic infection spreading throughout your body!Your legs are going to fall off! You're gonna die!" I hate you, anxiety me.

I am going to see my GP about the aches and pains, because we are still in the ruling out phase of this journey. It's hard to get in though... but I'm going to try for a cancellation appointment tomorrow. Bloodwork, urinalysis, etc. have all come back normal except for markedly low Vitamin D levels which I'm supplementing now (stupid Canadian winters!)

Really, I've probably just screwed my muscles all up throughout this, and I will probably get some relief now that I am making a concerted effort to get up and move around more (I'm a fidgeter, but more meaningful movement is needed) and doing some light exercise. Sloughing off my constant cat-like state of readiness should help too.

Before the leg pain I had neck and shoulder tightness that has subsided. It's like my body keeps throwing one thing at me after another. Hey, your neck feels better? Try some groin pain! Hey, your stomach feels better? Let's give you the worst lady cramps in 10 years!

I really do think this is all anxiety, but something in the back of my mind says "But you were fine before, why now? It has to be something else."

But was I fine? Was crying almost every day for 2 years because I had to go to a job that I hated "fine"? Was losing interest in things I enjoy because I have to live with my grandmother in-law who doesn't give us the space to actually have a functional life "fine"? Was having to stress over my first clothes dryer (usually a happy moment for most) because she doesn't "believe" in dryers "fine"? No... I really probably wasn't fine. But I can't seem to convince my brain that my body evidently knew better.

Anyway... that's my rant. I'm slowly unpanicking myself about my legs. I'll call tomorrow morning to double check everything but my bet is that the answer will be rest, exercise, and stop worrying. I think I need to retrain myself to analyse the crap in my life, rather than analysing the physical symptoms that I feel.

Anyway, thanks for listening. Comments and commisseration is welcome.

28-01-14, 17:06
Have this too, are you on any kind of medication?