View Full Version : Elbowed in temple by feisty 3 yr old!

15-01-14, 12:40
So I am talking on my inbox with a very nice person who is trying to reassure me.. But I have gone into full sirens going off in head terror mode.. About an hr and half ago my child elbowed my right in the temple. I wouldn't say it hurt terribly but I now feel a bit funny like sick and headachy feels like there pressure in my head not sure if it anxiety doing that .. I am definitely anxious I'm just so terrified I'm going to drop dead of a brain bleed .. An I know I have wrote threads about naming my head before .. But iv never actually had my temple walloped before.. Don't know what to do

15-01-14, 20:18
So I posted a thread before about my child elbow dropping me right in the temple.... Can't get rid of the terror ... Feel so low and filled with horror. Had a terrible episode before were I lost all control and started crying on kitchen floor. Felt so overwhelmed with terror I was biting into my hands an violently scratching my skin. That was about 2 hours ago can't stop shivering since feel like I'm losing it lying on my couch shivering and having cold spasms down my body, my jaw hurts from beings so tightly clenched and still gettin pains in my temple and keep seeing funny flashes In the eye. I feel so overwhelmed and distraught I cannot cope with this I feel so on the edge

15-01-14, 20:23
Hi Sarah,

I have had many blows to the head with much more force than a small child can muster and nothing bad ever came of it.

do you have anyone with you right now? Can you get anyone to help you? Where were your children when you attacked yourself and where are they now? X

15-01-14, 20:31
So I am talking on my inbox with a very nice person who is trying to reassure me.. But I have gone into full sirens going off in head terror mode.. About an hr and half ago my child elbowed my right in the temple. I wouldn't say it hurt terribly but I now feel a bit funny like sick and headachy feels like there pressure in my head not sure if it anxiety doing that .. I am definitely anxious I'm just so terrified I'm going to drop dead of a brain bleed .. An I know I have wrote threads about naming my head before .. But iv never actually had my temple walloped before.. Don't know what to do

When my daughter was 4 years old, she decided to do a flying leap onto me and take a wild guess where her knee landed? I fell on the floor writhing in agony as waves of pain and nausea overtook my helpless body. It took a good 15 minutes to get myself off the floor, all the while assuring a very scared little girl that Daddy was Ok.... But not expect any more bothers or sisters! ~lol~ She still remembers that to this day and she's 20 years old!

Other than being a bit sore for a week, all was well. I'm sure you'll be too ;) If it's a little tender, which is to be expected, apply an ice pack.

Positive thoughts

16-01-14, 00:51
Hello katesa I wouldn't call it attacked myself I would say it was more like curled up on ball on kitchen floor sobbing an biting hands.. I have one child she was At my friends playing with her kids... I was with my sister and her partner. I'm staying at their house tonight x hahaha fishmanpa! That sounds awful I don't obviously have that part of the male anatomy but iv heard from guys it's the most horrendously painful thin :-/ makes for a funny story 16 years later though... I'm afraid I'm still very anxious keep seeing things in corner of eye on the side that I banged it on and getting pressure like pains on the temple which is really worrying x