View Full Version : Sent for a scan for reassurance

15-01-14, 14:59
Hello, I am 24 and went to my doctor as I have a sore breast, that gets even more sore around my period, and also feels abit lumpy.

two doctors checked me out and both said they couldn't feel anything worrying, as i have small breasts all they could feel is tissue.
However my doctor knows me so well and knows about my health anxiety, said she will send me to the breast clinic anyway for an ultra sound. Que panic. I am starting to think she did find something but didn't tell me cos i worry too much I kept asking her are you sending me to reassure me? and she kept saying yes, as she knows that i'd go home worrying, but I am now worrying they will find something at the scan. :(

Has anybody else had a scan just to stop them from worrying and to be reassured even tho your doctor couldn't see anything wrong?

15-01-14, 15:05
Has anybody else had a scan just to stop them from worrying and to be reassured even tho your doctor couldn't see anything wrong?

Yes,about 99% of the people who post here, including myself :)

15-01-14, 15:08
Phew! I really thought it would have to be something the doctor found to be sent, but I am glad they send us for our own peace of mind x

15-01-14, 15:12
Look at it this way. If she had NOT sent you for a scan, you'd be worrying that she missed something ;)

Positive thoughts

15-01-14, 15:13
Phew! I really thought it would have to be something the doctor found to be sent, but I am glad they send us for our own peace of mind x

Well,regardless of what/how you feel, every doctor will tell you that some extensive testing is useful from time to time (yearly or once in two years), even if there are no symptoms and/or everything is ok. And since she wants to treat your anxiety too, it's probably a combination of these two factors that influenced her to refer you for a scan. You have a good doctor, be satisfied with her and ask her to help treat your anxiety too :)

15-01-14, 15:44
MissSunshine, I have a lumpy breast that gets worse and sore around my monthly timing. It is fibrocystic changes. It is very common :)

15-01-14, 15:46
I just went for an ultrasound on my uterus and ovaries last Friday b/c I went to see my OB/GYN for my yearly checkup and complained of pain in both ovary area. She sent me for the scan. I chose not to worry about it leading up to the appointment, I really handled my anxiety well. Had the ultrasound on Friday, was a little nervous they would find cancer or something terrible. The sonographer told me she didn't seeing anything to worry about but would have the Dr. check it over and call me within 2 weeks. The Dr. called this morning to and said it all looked normal. Try not to worry about it, your Dr. is sending you for the peace of mind so take it as that "a peace of mind." :) :hugs:

15-01-14, 16:41
I'm going to ask for a colonoscopy on Friday as I'm petrified of bowel cancer. My only symptom is a bit of mucous in stools & the fact I have a family history. Chances are I'll be told I don't meet the criteria for NHS but I don't think they can say no if you go private? Who knows tho my GP May have the same thinking as yours so I'll make sure I get across how anxious I am. DH (ex-HA sufferer) had one privately a few years ago plus scans etc for a few other things. It gave the reassurance he needed so hopefully it'll do the same for me.

15-01-14, 17:47
Yes for bowel cancer even though I was 29 when I had most of these scans and one when I was 30. it started with abdominal pain, all which may have been in a small pouch on the small bowel, which can be removed by keyhole if needed.

I was told it was IBS back in late 2012 but did not the 1st GP or 2nd GP, and the 3rd just sent me for ultrasound to reassurance myself, even though this was clear I wanted more tests which I got.

15-01-14, 18:09
Yes , I thought I had a brain tumour and after pestering the GP for months was sent for a brain MRI just for reassurance, looking back I should have listened to my GP and believed that I did not have a tumour.

16-01-14, 15:32
Thanks for your comments everyone.
My doctor is extremely nice and knows how I feel regards to my anxiety.
I am starting to think it is fibrocystic changes due to my period coming

however I am still abit anxious about the whole thing, its just the thought of going to the hospital which I am nervous about anyway and the actual situation of having a scan, every time i remember im going my tummy does flips!

dobbiedoo i hope you get the reassurance you need
Leslie,almamatters, Glad you scans went ok xx

16-01-14, 15:49
Hi misssunshine, I too have been going over my last doc appt. Doc said he would refer me to a surgeon (colorectal), after saying it didn't seem like I had a blocked bowel after seeing them about diarrhea and very sore left side. Well that was it I burst into tears and said I was worried I had stomach or bowel cancer. I think he was shocked at my reaction, but then I have got it into head that he was unnerved as he daredn't tell me he thought it was cancer. He did say I'm not in the age risk group, blood tests are normal and I've no family history of bowel cancer and mentioned diverticulitis but I'm convinced he was scared to tell me. He said he would do as urgent, think because I was upset (I hope so) and rang me later to say that to get through as urgent he would have to put suspected cancer on the referral and was letting me know as didn't want the surgeon to mention the reason at the appt and freak me out. But I'm still worried that he does think it's that. It's scaring the hell out of me.