View Full Version : Can't say it didn't cross my mind....

15-01-14, 15:44
Other than cancer, I haven't been sick for over a year. The last cold/sinus/bug I had was August of 2012 when this whole cancer thing started.

I was good until a couple of days ago when on Sunday night while eating dinner my throat hurt to swallow. Immediately I thought WTF is that?! I haven't felt that kind of discomfort/pain in ages! I began to stress a bit as I'm 9 months out and have 15 more months until I pass the two year mark. My type of cancer has a 50/50 chance of returning within two years. So yep... anxiety levels went up, heart quickened a bit and the mind began to wonder. "Could this be the beginning of the end? I can't do that treatment again! I don't need this shit!" And on and on for a couple of hours. No, I didn't Google. No need to. I know what to look for. I began to rationalize all the reasons it wasn't the cancer returning and resolved to call the doctor if it persisted more than a few days....

I have good days and not so good days all the time. I wasn't feeling all that great on Sunday anyway so I rationalized that it was just one of those not so good days. I ended up falling asleep early that night and awoke Monday still feeling pretty yuck. Then it hit me. Itchy feeling in my nose and then the sneezing. By Noon I was in a full blown cold! The first bug I've gotten since cancer. What I hadn't anticipated was how my body would react. Pre-cancer, I would have a day or so of feeling lousy, runny nose etc. but I was always able to fight through it with OTC remedies. This time? Damn! I got hit by a truck. It's not the flu as I've had my shot and I don't have a fever but OMG! I stayed home from work yesterday and slept the majority of it.

Today, while I'm still feeling kinda yucky, I'm over the hump. I'll be fine. I see my team of doctors on Feb. 18th and I have the feeling all will be well. I'll still have some "scanxiety" the week before but I manage that well.

I posted this to show you that even those without anxiety have their moments and even a few moments to be honest :) Just like Tanner and Kate posted, I used my "tools" to prevent myself from getting too carried away with things. Quite honestly, I don't have the patience nor time for that. There's too much to do and too much living to live to get bogged down with worry ;) I do hope that this gives you a perspective you can glean from. I use the CBT that's available here. It's helpful as an everyday life tool. I don't need all the wrenches and screwdrivers but I do use the hammer and chisel occasionally ;)

Positive thoughts

15-01-14, 15:49
Oh mate, sorry you had a scare. So glad there is a simple, non-threatening explanation!

A very thoughtful post with a great message and I hope many people take some guidance from it. If you can do it, with your very real history of life threatening illness, then we should be able to do it too x

15-01-14, 15:49
Glad you were able to keep your anxiety down and you are feeling better. :yesyes:

15-01-14, 15:54
Great post Fishmanpa you have the best attitude, your post is helping me a bit today my knee operation is tomorrow and feeling very shaky Simi