View Full Version : Not good :(

15-01-14, 15:52
Long story short - been to the doctors many times and finally got referred to the psychiatrist. I feel she has made things worse, I felt that she basically just thought I was stupid and that I am making my anxiety up :( she laughed at a few things that I said which didn't make me feel comfortable. Has anyone else had an experience like this?

15-01-14, 17:13
Sorry but it sounds like you may need to change doctors, one that would under stand how you feel a bit more. You shouldn't have to feel like that

15-01-14, 18:40
I know :( the doctor I see is very helpful and underdtandinb, but I think I may have to ask to see a different psychiatrist.

15-01-14, 19:01
I had a similar experience with a counsellor a long while ago. I used to forget to bring cash with me to pay sometimes and then she made a whole thing of it.

The fact I was under immense pressure with a degree, overly controlling parents, adverse reactions to medication and a subsequent alcohol problem meant nothing.

I dropped her like a sack of hot coals.

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 20:40
I know exactly how you feel, years ago when I was first diagnosed with panic disorder my then GP referred me to a mental health clinic to see a psychiatrist, the first session I had with the psychiatrist she ask me did I feel suicidal and other personal questions which I expected but what I didn't expect was she started giggling to her self while she was asking me the questions, I start to feel really uncomfortable at that point even the trainee therapist that was sitting in the session looked up at her as if to say why are you laughing, the whole session she was being totally unprofessional, needless to say that was my first and last session in that clinic as I asked to go to another.