View Full Version : London Meet Up For 18-25 year olds!

15-01-14, 16:13
Ok, so i posted about this before but nothing ever came of it and i'm determined to make it happen this time!

My idea is that a group of us should meet up in central London for a day so we can all be anxious and panic together

I don't know about anyone else, but i don't know many people my age who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks like i do and i think it would be good just to meet someone like me.

I know people may have exams etc. so the date i have in mind is the 1st Feb or 2nd Feb as it's at the weekend.

Please comment below if you're interested in coming along and which day is better for you :]

Amy xo

18-01-14, 14:36
Well I'm 20 and pretty bad with panic!
It'd be cool to meet some other people in the same age group.
So could count me in :)

19-01-14, 11:46
Good! :] Hope we can get more people!! x

19-01-14, 21:34
I wish i could but it will be impossible for me to do as train fair would cost me alot....

Miss Worry-a-lot
01-02-14, 22:47
I wish I could. I'm eighteen and I live in London for uni. Suffered with health anxiety for far too long. I haven't met anybody else around my age who suffers with panic attack so it gets quite lonely at times. I would love to meet up but I'm back at my parent's house on those days

05-02-14, 13:17
Hey guys, I missed this but would love to arrange another Surrey meet up?

14-02-14, 00:05
22 and in!:)

14-02-14, 01:57
well im 29 so not sure on that one i live in blackburn but im moving to kent soon so i would be up for it im moving near sittingbourne so if anyone is in that area and needs a lift to it ill be happy to take you

21-03-14, 18:33
Hi all.

I missed this as I have only just joined the site today. However if there is any more meet ups people are arranging I would love to come along. I am a 22 year old mummy and currently pregnant with my second. I am a terrible sufferer of panic attacks and health anxiety.

Located in Surrey area.

Wish you all the best


23-03-14, 13:46
I never knew so many came from surrey on this site. Being in surrey myself it's weird because you never know who has anxiety etc

24-03-14, 13:56
I'm 24 and live in London, I'd be pretty interested in a meetup in or around the smoke.

05-04-14, 12:22
25 and in london too. Perhaps we could get some momentum going on this again?

16-05-14, 21:23
23 and just outside London. Would be interested in this if it got going :)

14-06-14, 18:51
Hi, I'm 24 and would be interested in a meet. I live in kent but it's easy to high speed up :)

16-06-14, 20:42
Hi, I'm 25 and suffer from aniexty and always keep it to myself and bottle it up but at the moment I'm really struggling and would love to met up with other people and talk about it to people who actually understand! Been looking for so long for a support group near me but have had no luck so if there was a group together in London that would be fab.

21-06-14, 15:13
Was a date ever set? I'd be interested in this. I live near Cambridge but it wouldn't be too tough getting to London. Well not physically - mentally is another question entirely...


21-06-14, 20:21
Plenty of interest here, it would be good to get a date/location set :)

29-06-14, 00:41
I'd be interested, but am unfortunately older than 25 :weep: