View Full Version : Maybe one day

15-01-14, 16:25
I find it reassuring and disappointing at the same time when I read others posts on here that have conquered the demon.

Reassuring because that means there is hope and maybe one day I can live anxiety free like some of you.

Disappointing because I am not there not well like some of you. Just this morning I woke up with a "strange" feeling in my head and instead of rationalizing and saying the chances are next to nil I have convinced myself that I have an impending aneurysm or a brain tumor.

No one should suffer with this and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy but I have confidence that I will overcome

Maybe one day.........

15-01-14, 16:29
You will one day we all can and we all will :) Anxiety takes time and perseverance to overcome but we all can and we all will :) And don't get disappointed if you have an anxious reaction to something! The fact that you recognise its anxiety is a great step :)

15-01-14, 16:45
Scrumking you will do its along hard road but keep pushing forward stay,positive and focused you can do it keep believing xx

15-01-14, 16:50
A journey starts with just one step.

Positive thoughts