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15-01-14, 17:15
Having a bad panic attack now over my breathing can someone talk to me?

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 17:29
How is the panic now?

15-01-14, 17:32
Still pretty bad. Felt like i was going to pass out just now

15-01-14, 17:35
I can talk if you like :)

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 17:35
I know that feeling all to well, what's on your mind?

15-01-14, 17:36
I was panicking about my breathing - felt like i couldnt physically take a breath and ive let it spin into full blown panic attack

15-01-14, 17:39
Awwweh, is there anything you could distract yourself with? like I don't know, wiggle your toes or something, I sometimes can't stop swallowing , I find putting my awareness in another part of my body helps :)

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 17:41
counting things is a good distraction works for me :-)

15-01-14, 17:46
I just cant seem to shake idea something is seriously wrong

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 18:20
hows your breathing now?

15-01-14, 18:24
Started trying to calm my anxious thoughts which has helped me begin to calm my breathing

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 18:35
it's a horrible vicious circle, you think about your breathing then start to panic then you think about the panic and your breathing becomes worse, the trick is to try and break that cycle but it's easier said than done

15-01-14, 18:37
yes indeed. i feel like if i knew 100% that it was anxiety i would be fine but i keep thinking something else is wrong. Went to nurse a few weeks ago and she listened to my chest said eerything was fine but that doesnt give me much reassurance

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 19:03
I think if something was really wrong with your chest you would feel a more physical pain but I can understand why you would not feel reassured by the nurse, when you have a panic attack it feels like your whole body is going to shut down

15-01-14, 19:05
yeah i mean im going to doc in a week but i dont think i can hold on till then! the only way i can think of for getting tests to put my mind at rest is an ambulance or a and e and i dont really want to go down that route :(

Alan Mack
15-01-14, 19:43
Hopefully it won't come to that

15-01-14, 19:57
I was the same this afternoon. I used to get it a lot during my last big bout of anxiety which would trigger panic. I know it's anxiety now and so I do the abdominal slow breathing and tell myself it's anxiety. I was able to relax but felt groggy for hours. The reason it happens is the muscles of the rib age tighten due to tension and the diaphragm suffers. Breathing more through the abdominal relieves the tension. My husband is a physio so he has helped by explaining how it all works on a physical level x

15-01-14, 20:06
thanks ange :) do you get the feeling like you cant take a breath or your going to stop breathing x

15-01-14, 20:14
It's like I can't breath in fully so my head goes all whoozy and of course the more you feel it the more you can't do it...and the more you then try and become aware of it. As soon I am able to relax it returns to normal. The problem is you become tense and over breath without even realising it. X

15-01-14, 20:17
yeah thats what i get! sometimes my breathing doesnt feel adequate as well. But like if im really anxious its almost like i have to calm myself down before i can take a breath its horrible :( i find it really hard to distrcat myself aswell and i know its me making it worse! x

15-01-14, 20:35
For me distracting myself sometimes increases the anxiety so I turn around and face it first. My therapist years ago printed off the words STOP and CALM DOWN on very large letters. I would look at these and say it out loud if necessary then tell myself it is anxiety and as Claire Weeks advised accept and carry on but with kindness to yourself. Never beat yourself up about it. I also find swallowing sips of water or sucking a polo mint can help break the cycle. Some use a rubber band on the wrist and flick it hard when things start to nip it in the bud. X

15-01-14, 20:37
Ive heard of those things before :) I have also ordered claire weekes book so hopefully that will arrive soon :) yeah i always try to sip water during a panic x

15-01-14, 20:47
A nice shoulder and back massage helps :) or one of those lavender wheat bags on your back or stomach can help release tension in the muscles. X

15-01-14, 20:52
I do the flicky band thing, I find putting lavender drops in the bath helps too :)

15-01-14, 20:54
ok cool thanks guys :) x