View Full Version : Worried for my boyfriend

16-11-06, 12:40
Im very concerned for my boyfriend. He's a fantastic person, with a very loving nature, were very close and I adore him, but he seems to go through stages where he becomes very depressed, withdrawing from the world, and completely losing interest in anything. He struggles to sleep at night, so sleeps through the day, losing his sleeping pattern and consequently feeling tired and sick. He looks like the walking dead!

He lost his dad about a year and a half ago and I have a strong feeling this is the reason for his bouts of depression. Following his death, will (boyfriend), dropped out of school (even though he is extremely clever), and now has no aspirations at all. Recently when talking about his dad, he had to pull off the side of the road to cry. He balled in my arms. Id never seen him cry. It tore me up inside. That was the same day he visited the grave, first time since the funeral and only because i suggested we look at the old cemetary (which i was unaware was where his father was buried).

He wont see anyone, because of previous experiences with psychologists who said they coulodnt help him. He's happy now. Been a lot better, since I expressed how much it was upsetting me seeing him in this state, but im really concerned it going to happen again. It not only drags him down, but me as well. My anxiety is exaggerated to the point I feel like im out of control. Im concerned hes going to continue sitting in this rut for the rest of his life. And what do if he has another one of these bouts? Is this PTSD? and how do I help him?

Love some advice!

17-11-06, 13:54
good on you for being so caring and understanding.i live with ptsd and am often reduced to a sobbing 4 yrold boy.my only advice would be to make sure you are supported too ....it does sound like your boyfriend is re-living some form of grief,i am no expert but it sounds like he is lucky to have such a caring partner.take care of yourself.my wife would really understand your concerns,she has lived with me for 8 yrs! good luck honey bee
love ade xx

21-11-06, 12:46
Thanxs so much ade :)

Really appreciate ur reply. Things have been a lot better lately so im crossing my fingers and hoping that they stay like this. Its good to hear u have someone in ur life who cares for u and understands you, as we all need a shoulder to cry on sometimes.

As much as I am there for my boyfriend, he supports me immensely as well, and I know its one of those things that you have to work through together, as you and your wife have :D

Thankyou again and good luck with everything!

Love Ness