View Full Version : Death/ general Anxiety

15-01-14, 19:20
okay.. well i wasnt sure where to post this but it ended up here.
So, i am really struggling at the moment with death, funerals and well everything related to death. Not only am i scared of the process of being ill or dying, i am also scared of dying young, and just generally death. The idea of being lifeless and not having thoughts, being burnt or buried in the ground and not moving. just literally anything related to death.
Even the idea of living a long and happy life isnt consoling me like it use to :( I dont know what to do anymore, its literally RUINING my life. When its on my mind I cant shift it, and although i have been distracting myself it just DOESNT get rid of this fear, it is with me all the time. I dont know what to do, even if im sat watching tv im thinking about how the actors are just going to die, the idea of getting old scares me, and the thought that ANYONE can die at any age, and then what? its just the end :( i dont know exactly where this fear comes from, and its so broad I really dont know how to get rid of it :( I had a preocupation with cancer when i was feeling unwell and i think its led to be becoming like this after reading a load of horror stories.. and just generally stories of death.. for example 2 people in their 20's in my local area died in car accidents. I dont know it just really freaks me out. And then i start thinking of my grandparents in their 70's and how they are going to die soon, and how my parents could die (my mum smokes and my dad is over weight and has a stressful job) and then i think, how will i deal with that and how my life would never be the same. I just dont know what to do, i feel like everyone is just living to die :( its so inevitable.

15-01-14, 21:26
Im sorry to hear how your feeling I went threw a spell of dwelling on death like you. I would constantly think about it ,I told myself yeah its the only thing in life thats certain ,now I can carry on making myself ill or start living life ,lifes too short to spend it dwelling on bad things ,try to live now and make the most of things. I try to be thankful to god for each day and I think im lucky really there are people worse off than me xx

15-01-14, 22:28
Yes this quite common and I`ve been through this twice in my life where I couldn`t stop thinking about death .. The 1st time was when I lost my father aged 23 , he was quite a young age . I then started with health anxiety shortly after this which made me worse
I couldn't get the thought of it out of my mind no matter what I did . It did gradually fade though until earlier last year (17 years later) when I lost 3 male cousins within the space of a couple of years
These were accidents and 1 took an overdose .so in May 2013 it returned . I had my CBT last year which really helped and now I don't think that way any more

I have overcome my health anxiety now which does change the way I think about things and it was obviously contributing to the fear of death in my case

I looked at it as no matter how much you worry about it , there's nothing you can do about it and enjoy everyday the best you can.

All the best Antonio :hugs: