View Full Version : Anxious about stomach pain/BM. Please help!

15-01-14, 21:11
Hello all,

I haven't been on here as much recently, mainly due to the fact I haven't been AS anxious as I have in the past.

However, the last month or so has been hell for me, I've been feeling very anxious about all sorts pains in my body and I'm really struggling to understand whether the pains are linked to anxiety or not, and I'm finding it really difficult to help myself.

I'm not only suffering from anxiety though, I feel so down most days to the point where I'm breaking down in crying fits because I'm so scared about my future but at the same time I'm sick of feeling this way and don't believe I'll ever be happy, so I decide that I don't care anymore.

I've been to the doctor and been prescribed beta blockers which are sort of helping and am waiting to get CBT therapy.

The point of this post is for some kind of help from people who suffer from stomach/gastrointestinal problems? To cut it short, I'm a coiliac gluten free and I've stuck to a gluten free diet ever since diagnosis, however my bowels and stomach issues haven't improved since I've changed my diet and my doctor suspects I have IBS as well as coiliac disease!

My symptoms are numbing pain in legs and arms, sharp pains in my stomach which make me rush to the toilet, mixed stools and this is the symptom I'm most afraid of - my stools have dark black bits in it, its hard to describe but its like black dots, I also have yellow and red bits which I have no idea what they are, perhaps food? But the black bits are always there and I'm terrified its blood.

My anxiety has reached a whole new level because of that new symptom as I read about someone who was diagnosed with bowel cancer but got it late and died a few weeks after he experienced sharp stomach pains.

All I think about is death, I can literally see no future for myself, I'm so sick of feeling this way! It's depressing and I don't know how to feel anymore.

I've told doctors about it all and I've been given a fibre soluble and tablets for the sharp pains but I've stopped taking them because I experienced really horrible side effects from it! :weep: I didn't tell him about the black bits because at the time I didn't think anything of it, but now I really do.

Any advice/similar experiences would be much appreciated

Thanks x

15-01-14, 21:13
I would tell the doc about the black bits and they may do a stool test but it is probably nothing serious to be honest.

15-01-14, 22:28
I have the black bits too, but also fresh blood. The black bits have never really bothered me, maybe they should have. I have read on various websites that they are very comon. Some people suggest its blood some people have told their Dr about it and they have not been bothered.

16-01-14, 03:12
I think it's very dark/black stools is what you should be concerned with. The black bits could be just food. :hugs:

17-01-14, 19:18
I get the black bits all the time but I think it's seeds from seeded bread or black pepper or seeds for kiwi or figs etc well that's what I've convinced myself they are , I've had fresh red blood also trying to convince myself it's piles only happened once , loads of tummy issues does my head in . But I'm sure they are seeds and pepper .

---------- Post added at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

Take a poop sample into doctors to be tested just for your own peace of mind