View Full Version : Tomorrows the big day.

15-01-14, 22:23
As some of you will know, I have had a massive mass on the right side of my abdomen for a while. I have also had other very worrying symptoms. Well, tomorrow is the day of my ultrasound. I hopefully get to find out if this mass is solid or if its a cyst or fibroid or something thats not cancerous! I have been feeling very worried as a friend of a friend (aged 35) has just been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer (has spread to ovary which has come out but when operating found that it was in other places of her abdomen which cant be removed). They have been told there is no cure and are moving on to pallitive measures :'( She had no symptoms at all and went into hospital with suspected apendicitis.
Please have all your fingers crossed for me tomorrow. The ultrasound isnt until 3pm so wont get on to tell you until the night but will update you.

15-01-14, 22:25
Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine :)

15-01-14, 23:12
Good luck and get some sleep! You will be fine :)

15-01-14, 23:14
Good luck. Hopefully it's nothing.

Sorry about your friend :-( Having seen my grandad passing from bowel cancer lately, maybe try to encourage her to take the drugs they offer, physical and psychological. No point being a hero.

Fly away Katie
15-01-14, 23:58
Good luck darling! I'm sure you'll be just fine :) fingers crossed xxxxxxxx

16-01-14, 02:52
You will be in my prayers, along with your friend! :hugs:

16-01-14, 13:59
Im almost ready to go. Getting nervous now, just want it to be ok!

16-01-14, 14:04
good luck xx :)

16-01-14, 20:39
Hey how did it go ? X

16-01-14, 21:00
My fingers and everything else I have got are crossed 4u. Hope it went ok.

17-01-14, 19:10
How did it go ?

18-01-14, 14:50
Just thought i would update you. The ultrasound showed that the lump was my bowel and that its stiff. He said he couldnt see into it or behind it so anything furthur needs to be investagaed by GI (which is normal). Would you believe I am still awaiting for my app for that so have another Drs app on tuesday morning to push it especially now i can tell him its my bowel! They said i had a cyst on my right ovary and they couldnt find my left despite trying different ultrasound ways. She said that she will do a report for my Dr which he will have before my appointment but wouldnt tell me anything about my uterus as she said that she needs to have a proper look at the pictures (at first it was a man doing the ultrasound and then he went and got a woman who was a supertendient sonographer to finish it). I dont know why that happened and didnt think to ask at the time. He did say at the beginning though that if he saw anything suspicius he would get someone else to check. I do think he was just making sure he covered all bases. I will update you again after tuesday. Thanks for all your support :)

18-01-14, 16:09
Not sure

---------- Post added at 16:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

Not sure if it's an option but could you see the GI privately? Whenever I've gone private I've phoned up and got an appointment within days. You seem to have been waiting too long and it can't be helping your anxiety.

18-01-14, 17:47
Well id take it as a positive because if they saw anything suspicious they'd have called a doctor or refers you straight away , good luck and keep us posted x