View Full Version : Ever find it physically hard to speak?

15-01-14, 22:25
Been freaking out over nuero stuff this week cos of all kinds of symptoms and now I'm finding it hard to talk. Like slurring my speech a bit and not remembering words easily. I've kind of done this to myself before when I've been very panicky, but it's really making me feel icky now. Anyone else had this?

15-01-14, 22:27
When we think we have something I think we end up tricking ourselves into it's symptoms, I've done this with smells before, and even done it with walking.

15-01-14, 22:33
yep all the time when my anxiety is really bad!

15-01-14, 22:52
Well I have chemo brain so I forget stuff all the time... as far as having physical trouble speaking? IUWg qljfeh [poijehc [oisjf .... I don't know what you mean ;)

Positive thoughts

15-01-14, 22:59
Thanks everyone. Yeah i had a bad migraine earlier and hopefully I'm just overthinking things now. Doesn't help that I was supposed to have an appointment with a neurosurgeon about a cyst in August, to see if it was growing, but the appointment didn't reach me and I only recently got back to them and discovered this :-/ Also didn't help that the ophthalmologist said 'sounds vascular' as I was leaving (not the thing to say to a person with HA). Still I've been to two hospitals and a doctor this week and none of them seemed too concerned, so I suppose i have to try and trust that they at least sort of know what they're talking about :-(

15-01-14, 23:14
Yes,I have this when I'm under great stress. No slurred speech, but I feel like i tire easily when I speak and I have to put extra concentration into pronunciation and wording...