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View Full Version : Still in agonising pain after tooth extraction .. Worried!

16-01-14, 05:47
Hi everyone. So, I'm not sure wether this is the correct place to post this but i am now in both excruciating pain and sincere worry about my recent experience.

I have a horrible phobia of the dentist and usually have to book months in advance to ensure I am fully sedated before any procedures. However, 2 days ago, Tuesday, I had been suffering pain that had stopped me sleeping for 5 days and bit the bullet and decided I had to see a dentist, with or without sedation.

In the dentists chair, I had no X-rays as I could feel the exact root of the pain and the dentist could evidently see it. I had 3 injections. 2 on the outside of the gum, and one on the gum behind the tooth. Completely numb, I had the tooth extracted. It took 30 minutes with my head vigorously being thrown side to side trying to extract this tooth. The tooth snapped while been extracted, some able to be removed with the plier like extraction tool, the remainder being picked out with what can only resemble a scraping tool(?)

she advised due to the trauma my mouth experienced, I would be sore for the next few days as it was an extremely complicated tooth and the root was oddly shaped which caused the original problems.

I am now having agonising pain. My full gum on the side of the extraction is in agony. I cannot lower my top and bottom teeth into each other as it's unbearable. My gum and the hole where the tooth was removed is constantly throbbing. I have excessive saliva build up and disgusting breath although I've continued brushing and rinsing.

The actual hole where the tooth was removed feels like there's skin flapping about, it also feels extremely tight and sensitive. My jaw movement is restricted and I can't fully open my mouth.

I have been taking codeine based tablets, tramadol, ibuprofen and other OTC pain killers. Any help you can provide would be extremely appreciated.

16-01-14, 09:55
So sorry to hear of your ordeal.

I had a similar experience when I had a wisdom tooth removed, however, my dentist sent me off with a prescription for antibiotics and I was advised to rinse my mouth out with salt water for the first few days. The first 2-3 days it was very painful and my jaw and mouth movement was restricted. I did take paracetamol, but it didn't help much I'm afraid, I just had to put up with it until the antibiotics kicked in.

Perhaps it's worth calling the dentist, you may have an infection in there and need the antibiotics. It will ease up soon and the hole will heal. There may be some small bits of broken root left inside too, these will come out eventually as it heals.

I hope you feel better soon. Kitti :)

16-01-14, 10:34
It sounds as though along with bruising you may have a dry socket, which can be more painful than the toothache you had before. This pain is easily stopped. Go back to the dentist, they will see you straight away with this problem, where they will pack the socket, which will stop your pain. Your dentist should really have xrayed first to see which way the roots were in your gum, easing the tooths removal, I hope you are soon pain free.

16-01-14, 10:47
Go back to your dentist, with such a pain you will be treated as an emergency and seen right away. It's nothing serious-that was obviously one stubborn little ******* of a tooth :) And don't let the phobia stop you from going to dentist again-as you're already in excruciating pain, nothing worse cannot happen in his office.

16-01-14, 11:13
From my own experience I agree with everything Kitti said :) I could have written the same myself :)

16-01-14, 14:23
Thankyou everyone for the help, it is greatly appreciated.

I called my dentist who advised me that they don't have any appointments available until Monday. So, I will do as suggested and try gargling the salt water solution and continue with my pain killers.

I have amoxicillin (antibiotics) 500mg previously prescribed for something unrelated and have a few left over, would it be safe to use them in this situation?

the pain has subsided a little, although it is still noticeably there. It appears to be most painful in the morning and at night. I am assuming I must be lying on this side of my mouth without knowing, hence the agony in mornings.

16-01-14, 15:29
I can't believe your dentist wouldn't fit you in when you are in pain :(. Don't gargle the salt water...rinse your mouth with it. Dissolve the salt in warm water that has been previously boiled in the kettle (just warm) and rinse your mouth gently every 2 hours. If it was me personally I would take the amoxicillin although a full course would be better. Let your dentist know on Monday that you have taken them.

16-01-14, 16:43
There is no point in taking just a few abs, you need a whole course as if you have an infection it may well become resistant to the abs and then cannot be treated with the same antibiotic. Its disgraceful that they wont see you till monday, pain like you have described is an emergency and should be treated as such, even if it means a long wait at the surgery. Phone them back and insist.

16-01-14, 17:37
Sounds like you could possible have dry socket. If it is they can put medicated gauze in the socket which will relive the pain almost immediately. If you can't get back into your dentist, go to another one! I hope you feel better soon!!! :hugs: