View Full Version : Took first 50mg sertraline before

16-01-14, 11:06
So about 10 mins ago I finally did it pushed my fear aside an took my first tablet ... Actually that is a total lie my sister and her boyfriend made me take it after my breakdown last night I stayed at their house.. So the tablet was on my plate of toast .. Then she followed me to the toilet to make sure I didn't throw it up... Honestly you wouldn't think she's the younger sister ! She's only 20 I'm 24 but don't seemed to have grown up beyond the age of 15 ! So I'm just waiting to start feeling weird now sat here feeling scared x

16-01-14, 11:11
Don't be scared :) you'll be fine, I'm on my second week of them, all I've had is tiredness and chills occasionally :)

16-01-14, 11:11
Hi Sarah you wont feel weird in fact you wont feel anything from the 1st tablet it takes a while to get into your system,try and stay focused that the tablets will help and not on side effects.I can tell you the side effects from 50mg arent that bad at all
hope you feel better soon

16-01-14, 11:40
Hey guys thanks for support ... Just scared about taking cos I remember when I took the citalopram the first tablet gave me horrible, sicky feeling and dizziness and mirtazipine ... Well wow is all I can say they were horrendous.. Starting to have a slightly unsteady, tipsy feeling is this normal ? X

16-01-14, 11:42
Hey guys thanks for support ... Just scared about taking Starting to have a slightly unsteady, tipsy feeling is this normal ? X
yes your getting yourself worked up about the tablet and its normal anxiety
you have to get it out of your head they will do any harm

16-01-14, 11:56
I do not believe that my sister is now dragging me to tescos .. I can see this going horrible ! I am trying to think positive but my mind frame is so negative that its hard to try switch it around x

16-01-14, 12:15
does any1 have any experience with upping on sertraline from 50mg to 100mg, im on day 3 xx

16-01-14, 13:39
Hi, Clare, I responded to your other post about this. Am happy to share any experiences. Not sure if I answered fully what you would like to know in your other post. Feel free to continue to chat with me in that thread or pm me if you would like.

Sarah, you may deal with some transient (will go away) side effects, .....but you are already so miserable-- that you can be strong enough to weather a few yucky weeks to get to a place you are better! Trust the meds....they will work, but it takes awhile and in the meantime your anxiety dragon will probably try to work against you with all it has!
Will share any experiences that you think may help....I am on Sert and am getting my life back....., but, remember- it isn't just about the meds. You need to heal mind, body, and soul, and that takes lots of various tools. How else can I encourage you at this time?

16-01-14, 16:25
Hello well starting cbt next week so we will see. Thank you for words of encouragement I am ok still in my sisters house an just feel as we say in Liverpool totally off my Barnett I feel like I have had ecstasy pills ! But I'm gonna try keep at it x

16-01-14, 16:34
Hello well starting cbt next week so we will see. Thank you for words of encouragement I am ok still in my sisters house an just feel as we say in Liverpool totally off my Barnett I feel like I have had ecstasy pills ! But I'm gonna try keep at it x

Well go to some really loud and crazy party then and forget all about anxiety :) You'll have advantage over everybody-you'll be high-DOCTORS ORDERS :)

16-01-14, 16:50
LOL- Andrash!!

Don't forget your glo-sticks!!!!

16-01-14, 16:51
Well go to some really loud and crazy party then and forget all about anxiety :) You'll have advantage over everybody-you'll be high-DOCTORS ORDERS :)

Hahaha!!! I suppose I could do that. :-) x

16-01-14, 17:08
Just want to ^5 you for taking the meds. Even though you were coerced into doing so ~lol~ Every journey starts with a step and you started on the journey to healing. Congratulations :)

Positive thoughts

16-01-14, 17:51
i was on sertraline 100mg but after 5 months it was doing nothing for me, im now citalopram again for about 3-4 months and i dont feel any better.

16-01-14, 18:35
Hello mannik111 have u tried any therapy aswell as tablets? X fishmanpa woahhhh u think years of drug abuse would have hardens me against them ... Oohhh no I'm now convinced ecstasy pills are derived from sertraline! My brother in law has got rap music on an I'm sat on my sofa cross legged bobbing head to music! Keep gagging and sweaty palms, massive pupils and feel like my skin is doing this weird tingling !! Plus some little tremors.. So u think that's normal... I walked into toys r us before an spent a fortune on kids then floated back out ! I'm acting strange !

16-01-14, 18:50
Sertraline is Zoloft.... I was given that after my 1st heart attack and bypass surgery for some depression. I was on 100mg. At first I didn't notice anything at all like "is this doing anything?". About a week in I started having some stomach/bowel issues that persisted throughout the 6 months I was on it.

Again, I didn't notice anything different but those around me did. It doesn't kick in for a few weeks. After about 2 months my friends noticed I was more upbeat and positive. I started to feel somewhat "off" for lack of a better word at about 3 months on. The stomach/bowel issue was a PITA literally ~lol~
By 6 months between one on one counseling and the Zoloft, I was over the hump and was weaned off the meds. That's when I realized just how "drugged" I was. I had dizziness, nausea, sweats etc. coming off the meds.

This time with the minor depression I've had after cancer, I was offered meds but refused. It wasn't recommended just offered as a "Mother's Little Helper" ;) I'm over the hump and doing well. The free CBT course here has come in quite handy as well. There are several techniques I found very useful not only for depression but for life in general.

The way I see it, if it's going to help you get to where you need to be and was recommended and encouraged by my doctor or counselor, I'd do it.

Positive thoughts

16-01-14, 19:00
Well having the cbt soon. U always seem like such a strong guy. I wish I could have ur attitude in life. I'm surprised u didn't feel anything of it this is my first tablet and I feel off my head lol x

16-01-14, 19:28
Well having the cbt soon. U always seem like such a strong guy. I wish I could have ur attitude in life. I'm surprised u didn't feel anything of it this is my first tablet and I feel off my head lol x

I think it's actually in your head ~lol~

One foot in front of the other. Back in my partying days we used to say "Forward, never straight" ~lol~

Positive thoughts