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16-11-06, 15:24
Ugg. This is the most embarrising thing ever for me to tell, but I feel I have to get this out somewhere. Everytime I'm around older men I start to think that they want to have sex with me, or that their going to rape me right there.:(I can't help it. If anyone else has had thoughts like this, or any intrusive thought, it would be great of I could get some ideas about how to stop.

20-11-06, 15:15
Best thing is to just try not too worry about it. It's the old thing for us OCD thinkers - a random weird thought pops into our heads and instead of just thinking 'whatever!' and moving on, we become obsessed with analysing why we thought it, what it means about ourselves etc. with the end result that it's all we can think about!
I've had thoughts like that since a kid - not sexual back then, but thoughts of kissing total strangers. A few years ago I had the am-I-gay OCD thought cycle which saw me picturing myself having sex with EVERYONE I saw to try and ascertain my sexuality! Crazy. But it's not really - try to remember it's just a weird thought, your currently looped on thinking about it, but it doesn't mean anything bad about you.
L x

04-12-06, 21:02
Louisey, that is one of the best descriptions I've read about the way OCD effects me personally. I started worrying I could hurt someone I loved, and since then that thought flashes up literally every time I see a person, in the street, on tv, in a shop, it's so hard to have conversations!!
Also, I tend to analyse just about every thought I have, which is exhausting, but what you said about thinking about what it all means about you as a person, that's so true.