View Full Version : newbie suffering with depression

16-01-14, 13:52
Hi there, i was on yahoo Q&A and some one recommended me to this page, i am suffering with depression and would like to chat to a few others who are suffering as well, would be nice to talk to some one x

hiya i really need some help i feel so depressed lately i have no one to talk to, well i do but looks like they dont give a ****! cant afford to go to the docs either as i am skint not a penny to my name, i just feel so low my partner doesn't seem to care either which is making it worse :( just want to know how to feel better i hate feeling like this im just in a constant mood, all i want is a hug and for some one to tell every thing is going to be ok :'(

i have just started a job and im starting Pilates tonight, its just the people around me that get me down i still live with my mum and she drinks alot and it really stresses me out, my partner drinks quite alot aswell and he goes on benders and i tell him it upsets me but it just goes through one ear and out the other, he says i moan all the time when i am just telling him how i feel! and it really hurts because i love him to peices and it feels like he dont love me back i cant even remember the last time he said he loved me or gave me a nice compliment, he says its because i moan all the time but i tell him maybe if he just said some thing nice or even a hug or a kiss it would make my day, just feel like no one cares about me im always there for others but when im in the dumps no one wants to know.
if i had the money i would be out of here straight away and start of new some where else.

16-01-14, 17:12
You will find help here. My partner struggles with my depression..its hard.. but your not alone. I have just started on Citalopram and that is helping, but it is a tough road, but i managed to get help. Try the help lines too. Sometimes i talk to Samaritan they help. Just to listen to you. But we care here. If you can get to the Doctors it would be good. Maybe you can get help with them, but hang in there.. i have been as low as they can go.. but i am still here..so hang in there.. just hang in there...