View Full Version : New here..... not quite sure

16-01-14, 16:35
Hello all,

My name is Ryan I'm a 30 year old male who has recently been diagnosed with health anxiety. I don't want to ramble but I will try to keep my story short. In late September of last year I was playing basketball and in a freak accident I tore my quad in my left leg. I have never been worried about my health at all but then surgery day came.

I was fine leading up to the surgery actually looking forward to 8 weeks of being pampered by my wife lol. The surgery went well then I came out of anesthesia and it happened I couldn't breathe I came out of it yelling "I'm dying please help me". The nurses said it was common and not to worry but what has followed is an obsession with my breathing and heart rate. I am constantly pre occupied with the thought that I will stop breathing or that my heart is going to stop due to a lack of oxygen as stupid as that sounds. My GP has been stellar sending me for a full work up on my blood and urine also sending me for an ECG and a 24 hour event monitor to try to ease my mind. All came back showing I was "healthy as a horse" as my doctor put it.

Although I was initially relieved it didn't last long my wife is always telling me to "stop it" because I have picked up this weird habit of placing my hand over my heart to make sure it's still beating or taking my own pulse to make sure it's normal. Currently I am on 20mg of lexapro and Xanax as needed however I hate how the Xanax makes me feel so I would rather deal with the panic.

I don't know why I am writing this maybe to vent or get some reassurance that the two fears I have can't happen but there it is my story

16-01-14, 17:02
There is Nothing wrong with getting your feelings out there. Obviously you've had a deviation from your normal healthy life. It's understandable that you are now more prone to check your bodies functions and seek reassurance that all is well. All is well, your Dr has said as much. Try to relax and let time pass, you will feel better. Take care-Steven

16-01-14, 17:21
Hello and welcome Ryan you will find lots of help and support here from like minded people

16-01-14, 17:48
Hi Ryan
im the same cant stop thinking that im going to have a heart attack, from the minute i get up im checking my pulse, i get chest twinges which makes it worse, to be honest its ruining my life.
but as someone said on my post if it was a heart attack it would be alot worse and i would definatley know it.

16-01-14, 18:32
If there were any problem it would have come to light during monitoring during the op. Your heart won't stop through lack of oxygen in normal circumstances. It just can't happen. Also, healthy hearts don't stop suddenly - and if you are 30, and fit enough to play sport, it is very unlikely you have a heart problem. I think you have gone through a traumatic event which has affected how you see everything.

There is a good cbt book called Stop Thinking Start Living by Richard Carlson which is good at helping you see things more rationally.