View Full Version : Panic Attacks - Fainting

16-01-14, 19:57
Hi all,

27-year-old from the Midlands here.

Basically I have fainted several times over my life - needles, a busy train in Italy and cutting my fingers from peeling spuds! Random little things!

But sadly I've started to get panic attacks and feeling faint in annoying places - the hairdressers (just before I'm sat in and at work), oh and at theatres. My girlfriend now has to book aisle seats so I don't feel trapped. Embarrassing!

I work in a busy environment, close to people and often feel trapped.

I've looked on the Internet and believe it's all in the brain. I just need to be strong, but it's very difficult.

It's great that I can come here though and talk.

16-01-14, 20:16
Hi Ralf,
I half also fainted a few times and its funny that you mentioned the hairdresser because I have the same problem. I haven't been to get my hair done in 14 months now because of that. Luckily I am a woman and long hair is easier to manage. I can also relate to the isle seats, but don't be embarrassed. It is not your fault. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for 12 years now. One thing that I do is to let my coworkers know. They are very helpful and cover for me if I become distressed. We are all human and flawed in are own ways. People understand.


16-01-14, 20:22
Thanks for your reply. Nice to know we are all in the same boat.

I was planning to go to the hairdressers on Tuesday morning, but just couldn't.

That was when I explained it all to my girlfriends, who has been brilliant.

But now I have a big meeting on Saturday where I will be trapped in a seat. I can't possibly leave my seat for around two hours.

I am scared about the prospect of panicking and fainting in my seat.

I'm going to make sure I have plenty of fluids and food ready and keep my mind active. I'm so determined to get through this! But also scared!

16-01-14, 21:39
I find that snacking and sipping on water helps me out tremendously. It keeps your breathing more even. Good Luck Saturday.

16-01-14, 21:41
Thank you. Have you ever had a middle row problem?

Praying I'm on the outside seat, but sure I won't be! Ha.