View Full Version : just joined, could do with some reassurance

16-01-14, 22:54
Hello! I hope someone reads this soon I'm freaking out a bit. Ive had a swollen lymph node in the left hand side of my neck for as long as I can remember, I used to suffer from a lot of tonsillitis when I was little and assumed it has just remained swollen since then. I also have one under my jaw which must be about 2cm, again I assumed this was because of tonsilitis.

I went to the doctors back in October about some back pain (recently been diagnosed with a few small lypomas which can be felt because I'm quite petite, and a schmorls node which has been causing some pain)....I mentioned these nodes at my appointment because I had googled (bad I know!) and read that swollen lymph nodes and back pain can sometimes mean something quite scary, ie the C word.

I had some blood work done and they found a slightly raised white blood count of around 12,000, which in a follow up blood test has decreased to around 11,000. I recently have found two more swollen nodes either side of my neck, in the same position, although these are really teeny, smaller than a pea.

I'm just scared really, and I blame over thinking and google! But I read about these people, who have such symptoms and it turns out to be dreadful! Any suggestions or reassurance would be amazing right now.

17-01-14, 00:27
I can`t reallly offer much advice on this apart from keep clear of Google ! It sent my Health Anxiety through the roof . I`d make an appointment with your doctor to get reassurance , I`m sure there`s nothing to worry about if you were checked out last October .

Anyway :welcome: ellsonrose sorry I can`t be of more help

Catherine S
17-01-14, 02:58
You don't mention a doctor...have you asked your doc about any of these worries?

18-01-14, 12:51
Yes I have, he said he didnt suspect they were anything to worry about, while theyre bigger than normal they werent big enough to warrant immediate comcern, but he sent me for some blood tests to see how those went, I had a slightly raised level of neutrophyls, but they said it wasn't anything crazy and suspected an infection. A follow up blood test showed that the levels were too high, but had dropped to just above normal, about 11,500? While not normal, I was slightly reassured as if it was anything serious, surely they wouldn't have dropped? So that may have been an infection, although that doesnt explain why theyve been swollen for years? I've now banned myself from google, apart from this website haha :)

I guess my main question is, us it possible for people to just have permenantly enlarged glands? Especially after a history of being a child with a lot of tonsillitis! And is lymphoma likely in a 21 year old who has experienced no other symtoms (night sweats, ithcing, weight loss etc)