View Full Version : What now?

Fly away Katie
17-01-14, 00:01
What happens when you hit absolute rock bottom?
I love my partner more than anything in the whole world, but feel like I'm pushing him away.
My family have given up- there's only so many times you can ring them in desperation, crying.
My friends no longer text back because there's nothing more they can say!
No one gets me. You guys are the only people who understand.

I feel so alone. I have awful bloating in my the bottom left of my tummy and when I breathe, I can feel it.

My Nanna passed away on the 1st December and I've never been right since. I keep thinking I'm dying and stuff and miss her every day :(

Does any one else get bloating? Like it's moved all round my side now and I'm so scared. Before this, I had a bad rib, and then a head lump worry. It's never ending.

I have to be up at 5am for work and if this bloating doesn't stop, I won't be able to sleep. Starting CBT tomorrow as well.

Sorry for the messy, depressing post :( I'm better than this- so disappointmed in myself xxxxx

17-01-14, 00:06
I'm sorry about your nana and I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. It's very hard for people without anxiety to understand my friends and family don't get it and have lost patience with me as well. You are not alone we are all here for you :) To answer your question yes I get bloating and I know many of us do. When you are anxious it disturbs your digestion system. Bloating is a symptom of IBS which many of us have. I recommend eating yogurt it helps restore balance to your system. Hang in there xoxoxo.