View Full Version : Citalopram

17-01-14, 00:42
Hello. I've recently been diagnosed with anxiety; i've constantly felt depressed and unmotivated. I've been putting on citalopram 10ml, I started yesterday and at the moment dont feel any different at all just very tired. Has anyone else taken this? How long does it take to feel any effect? Also earlier today I had a couple of drinks on it, will this be dangerous? I'm a little bit worried now and regret having a few drinks after reading it could potentially be dangerous.

17-01-14, 03:55
Hello, ive been on citalopram 20ml for about 6 months now, i believe everyone is different when it comes how long it takes for it to take effect, in my situation it did take a couple months for me to feel a benefit. With the alcohol situation, i regulary drink and from what i know alcohol will cancel out the effects if drinking in excessive amounts

17-01-14, 06:49
I drink a lot i admit. You should try and cut down if you can since alcohol is a depressant and can actually make you feel worse. I know this from experience. I am on day 10 with Citalopram. I have had some good days, and going to continue with it, but it does take a while to work, so hang in there. Just know your not alone on here.

17-01-14, 21:41
There's a special section down on the forum homepage for meds and for Citalopram.

I'm hanging out in there a lot. You will find some good advice from peeps to help you.

18-01-14, 21:16
Hi :) I've been taking Citalopram for 3 weeks now. I started off on 10mg for 2 weeks and this is my first week on 20mg. I can't say I've noticed a difference in my depression levels but I am seeing a slight difference in my anxiety levels, although still there they are not as severe. Still early days though but holding out hope for some relief from this medication. Hope you're doing ok.

19-01-14, 02:45
Thank you for all your support, its really nice to talk to people in the same situation I am. To be honest i've only told one close friend and my mum that i'm on citalopram and suffering from anxiety, due to the fact that i'm worried about being judged by people, I got to admit thats why I continued drinking on them, because of drinking socially previoisly, i was worried friends would question why i've suddenly stopped and i'd have to tell them about my anxiety and citlopram. So far the only side effect i've noticed is feeling tired much quicker and a few headaches but at the moment there all managable, my anxiety levels seem pretty much the same but as its only been a few days i'm not expecting a big improvment yet and am giving them time, I got a follow up docs app on 2nd Feburary so am hoping my anxiety levels will improve by then :)