View Full Version : just anxiety, no MRI

17-01-14, 01:03
i visited the doctor again today for my blood test results, which thankfully all came back okay. Whilst there i took him a list of my symptoms and explained to him in detail my fears and the severity of my symptoms. Whilst there he checked my swollen neck gland which he said was fine and then my ears and throat. he also carried out a thorough test of my eyes/pupils by shining in a light, he said this would check for brain tumours or MS. He said he is 100% certain i am not suffering from any life threatening illness and prescribed me citralopram for anxiety.

After the doctors visit my symptoms have continued, headache (sharp and dull pains that come and go all across my head and sometimes take my breath away) facial rash, surges of adrenaline through my body, strange/horrible feelings in my head when i lie down or relax, aches and tingling in my fingers, toes, and calves, ear pressure and pain, nausea and sickness, as well as the worst symptom, extreme dizziness which sometimes makes me feel like passing out, it seems to be getting worse.

I know that to recover i need to accept the doctors diagnosis but i really don't see why he didn't send me for an MRI to properly rule out any serious conditions, particularly a brain tumour. Is an optic nerve test and neurological exam really that conclusive? i want to move forward but my horrible symptoms are really stopping me and i constantly fear i've been misdiagnosed as stories online often talk about brain tumour misdiagnosis and symptoms very similar to mine. i often feel close to passing out or having a seizure & feel this is the only way i will get a scan and be diagnosed.

17-01-14, 02:02
He said he is 100% certain i am not suffering from any life threatening illness and prescribed me citralopram for anxiety.

Great news!! The above is why he ordered no further testing. Did you ask about counseling or CBT?

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 02:06
i don't see how he can be so sure without performing an MRI though. tonight i have horrible tingling and dull headaches as well as a real faint feeling and sickness. I wish he'd given me an MRI just to put this to bed once and for all, my symptoms are just worsening and he has not done a thorough check at all. Tonight i feel the worst i've felt. He mentioned CBT but i really can't accept this is anxiety, my symptoms are far too disturbing. i've been sick 3 times tonight.

17-01-14, 02:10
Questioning medical professionals is another symptom of HA FYI ;) You can always shell out the money out of your own pocket.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
17-01-14, 02:11
They don't arrange an MRI for tingling and dull headaches, they do however, send you for MRI when the headaches are so unbelievably excruciatingly painfull that you cannot function. So...what do you think?

17-01-14, 02:13
many people on this forum seem to have had at least one MRI and their symptoms sound a lot less frequent and broad as mine. My headaches and symptoms are worsening so it wont be long till i end up getting one at this rate but i don't see why it should get to that point before anything is done.

Catherine S
17-01-14, 02:21
Some doctors do agree to an MRI at the insistence of the patient yes they do, and if you read through all the posts from these people on this forum, how many have had a brain tumour diagnosed? Other doctors won't give in to the pressure and refuse to do it because they think...understandably...that if you are still able to get out of the bed and go about your daily business, and walk into the doctors surgery without help, then you probably don't have a brain tumour.

---------- Post added at 02:21 ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 ----------

And many of the symptoms you describe sound alot like the symptoms of anxiety to be honest. It always baffles me that people who think they have a life-threatening illness, when given the prognosis that all is ok, they respond almost indignantly as if they have been robbed of the illness! Ive had HA most of my adult life and am only too happy for my GP to tell me i'm ok and no further tests are needed. I never feel cheated, only elated!

17-01-14, 02:25
It always baffles me that people who think they have a life-threatening illness, when given the prognosis that all is ok, they respond almost indignantly as if they have been robbed of the illness! I never feel cheated, only elated!

AMEN ISB! I would have given anything to be told I didn't have cancer! It actually makes me want to scream when I see this!

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
17-01-14, 02:31
You had cancer T? Of...? I lost my dad to it in August..on my birthday actually. Positive thoughts indeed x

17-01-14, 02:44
You had cancer T? Of...? I lost my dad to it in August..on my birthday actually. Positive thoughts indeed x

Dang... so sorry to hear that ISB :( Cancer does suck! So yeah... Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Head and Neck, Stage IV. All cancer is bad but SCC?... Nasty, nasty stuff! 3 surgeries, 6 weeks chemo/rads. Finished treatment April 2013. Hell on Earth for sure but I made it. So yeah, when I read about negative test after negative test, doctors saying there's nothing physically wrong and still the disbelief, it kind of gets my goat a bit.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
17-01-14, 02:50
Hey dude...love it that you made it through. This has given you some perspective for sure, and its a credit to you that you can still sympathise with people who have health anxiety and not the real deal. What brought you to the forum can I ask?

17-01-14, 03:02
Hey dude...love it that you made it through. This has given you some perspective for sure, and its a credit to you that you can still sympathise with people who have health anxiety and not the real deal. What brought you to the forum can I ask?

I'll respond privately... don't want to hijack the thread.

Positive threads

Catherine S
17-01-14, 03:19
Ok yes, understand.

17-01-14, 03:54
i don't see how he can be so sure without performing an MRI though. .

A few things:

First, an MRI isn't magic. It's not like the other tests are peering through the keyhole at you while an MRI is looking you directly in the face. They all have their particular utilities, and it's possible to find something via blood test/optic nerve that people don't catch on an MRI. It's the last stop because it takes the most resources, not because it's always the best.

Second, an MRI, like all medicine, takes resources, and even the fairly benign MRI exposes you to some risks, if only the risk we all take of picking up a bug from somebody in the clinic. Therefore it's not just available for the wanting of it. It's available if trained professionals who see thousands of ill people a year consider that your symptoms indicate something is a problem that requires additional investigation. But these people that know better than you do don't think you do, so they're going to send people who actually have the relevant symptoms on instead.

And do not be confused by Dr. Google. Having what Dr. Google says the symptoms are is not the same thing as actually having the symptoms. The Google descriptions are actually way too vague, much as a written description of a friend's face ("blue eyes, bumpy nose") is too vague to allow somebody who doesn't know him to pick him out of a crowd of blue-eyed, bumpy-nosed guys. What allows people to pick him out of a crowd is having seen him over and over again. That's what doctors do that you can't; that's why they know that your symptoms are of anxiety and not of cancer, because they know cancer's face and it's not on you.

17-01-14, 04:04
A few things:

First, an MRI isn't magic. It's not like the other tests are peering through the keyhole at you while an MRI is looking you directly in the face. They all have their particular utilities, and it's possible to find something via blood test/optic nerve that people don't catch on an MRI. It's the last stop because it takes the most resources, not because it's always the best.

Second, an MRI, like all medicine, takes resources, and even the fairly benign MRI exposes you to some risks, if only the risk we all take of picking up a bug from somebody in the clinic. Therefore it's not just available for the wanting of it. It's available if trained professionals who see thousands of ill people a year consider that your symptoms indicate something is a problem that requires additional investigation. But these people that know better than you do don't think you do, so they're going to send people who actually have the relevant symptoms on instead.

And do not be confused by Dr. Google. Having what Dr. Google says the symptoms are is not the same thing as actually having the symptoms. The Google descriptions are actually way too vague, much as a written description of a friend's face ("blue eyes, bumpy nose") is too vague to allow somebody who doesn't know him to pick him out of a crowd of blue-eyed, bumpy-nosed guys. What allows people to pick him out of a crowd is having seen him over and over again. That's what doctors do that you can't; that's why they know that your symptoms are of anxiety and not of cancer, because they know cancer's face and it's not on you.

Althea- amazingly, well-worded post. Well done.

17-01-14, 08:21
MrDave, for neurological problems, MRIs are done when you fail the neurological exam-to determine what's the problem. If you had brain tumour, MS or other neurological disorder, it would definitely have shown up on an exam (that's what your doctor did-the neurological exam) and then you would have had to go further with CTs, MRIs and so on.

Since you passed your neuro exam with flying colours, you really, really have nothing to worry about except the HA. Health anxiety is in your head, literally and figuratively, and it affects your nerves. Neuro exam shows if there is a REAL weakness-in your case there is NOT. What you experience is a perceived weakness-you actually can do everything, you can eat, sleep, your muscles and other organs are working properly, you have energy to visit 10 different doctors and do 40 minutes of exercise-you can do all that things, you just THINK you can't.

My advice is: try to tackle the anxiety now. Stay out of Google, get counselling and CBT. At least give it a try-it can't do any harm, just good.

17-01-14, 10:31
Dave, I just want to say the only reason I was referred to for an MRI was not my dizziness or the numbness. it was because they found a nystagmus when I looked up... I think it's called vertical gaze or something... Now turns out it's just one of those things. He said that's it as I passed all my other neurological tests with no issues...
My second MRI was done as they found an arachnoid cyst in my first scan and wanted to make sure it hasn't grown...

17-01-14, 10:33
I'll respond privately... don't want to hijack the thread.

Positive threads

Positive THREADS? :)

17-01-14, 10:34
Guys, I really appreciate the support but you need to understand I've never felt this ill in my life. Last night the rash on my face flared up so badly and I felt ridiculously faint, I was sick 4 times in the night and I've woke up feeling very sick today. I really need to find out what is wrong with me before it's too late, I understand I have an anxiety disorder but there is something underlying and it's making me so ill. I really don't know what to do

17-01-14, 10:43

There may be something wrong but it is nothing neurological and given your clear bloods, it is also not leukemia.

Rashes can be down to pretty much anything as can nausea. Hell, the two of them together sound more like a food intolerance to me than anything sinister.

MRI's are not given out like sweeties. If you passed the exam your GP gave you, you do not have a neurological condition. And you certainly would not pass that exam with a brain tumour advanced enough to be causing all the symptoms you list.

Do you know what blood tests they did? Just wondering if they ruled out things like thyroid and metabolic problems.

17-01-14, 10:49
I have no idea whats wrong with me but the facial rash has been there for weeks and keeps flaring up and getting worse, I mentioned it to the doctor but nothing was said. The aches, pains and tingling are constant and even in my wrists and the nausea/dizziness is also becoming constant. I have no idea what's wrong with me, I accept I have anxiety but this seriously can't be the sole cause of how I'm feeling, it's getting to the point where I can hardly leave my bed and I'm petrified. They checked my thyroid, kidney & liver function etc and said it was fine. They also checked for anemia, I'm not sure what else.

17-01-14, 11:17
I'm assuming that this rash is visible and therefore the doctor will have seen it.

I am no brain tumour expert but I did just have a read of the most reliable (purely in my opinion from when I was nursing somebody with terminal cancer) cancer websites and looked through their pages on brain tumours. A rash was not mentioned once so it is either a very rare symptom or caused by secondary cancers eg it was affecting your liver (which would show on your blood tests)

It is no wonder you are feeling worse. Being this afraid and this on edge is exhausting. I spent 4 whole days in bed at the height of my health anxiety.

I've said before that there may be something more than anxiety up but that it wont be deadly and it certainly wont cause all of the symptoms you are having. At least some of them must be either down to stress/anxiety or you have about 4 separate illnesses going on!

But to be honest you don't seem open to the idea that there may be anything less serious than a neurological condition or a tumour wrong.

17-01-14, 11:27
I have no idea what the rash could be, lupus? Lyme disease? I really don't know. All I know is that I've felt ill for a very long time now and it has got progressively worse despite my trips to doctors who say it's anxiety. I am not a medical professional but I can't ignore what my body is telling me by the horrible symptoms I'm feeling and it's telling me something is not right and if it stays undiagnosed and continues to worsen I'm going to be in big trouble.

17-01-14, 11:35
Lupus and lyme disease would both show in your blood tests, even the completely standard full blood count, in the white cell count.

You are leaping to the serious diseases, despite, in your own words, not being a medical professional. The medical professionals have told you that you do not have a neurological condition.

17-01-14, 12:00
I'm not sure whether they do show up in blood tests. I'm jumping to serious illnesses because I've never felt this ill in my life and it's constantly worsening. If it was something minor it would have started to clear up by now, not get worse. It's not normal to be ridiculously dizzy 24/7 for a month then start getting rashes, tingling and pain everywhere, constant stomach gurgling and discomfort, terrible headaches then be violently sick and constantly nauseous for over a week

17-01-14, 12:09
Well ask your doctor if they do, I'm not going to argue about it. I am certain that they do once either disease has progressed enough to have symptoms anything close to as severe as you are describing.

Dave I'm sorry but your options now are pretty much

1) Go back to the doctors, say you do not believe his diagnosis and ask for an MRI. If he refuses keep going to try and change his mind

2) Find the money somehow to have a private MRI

3) Go back to your GP and ask him to explain exactly why he thinks there is nothing serious going on - maybe if he addressed all the questions you keep throwing at us, you would feel better. If he can't do that ask him to help you find out what is wrong.

4) Accept the diagnosis, try to get on with life and see if you feel better in a couple of weeks.

This thread and my responses are clearly not helping.

17-01-14, 12:09
Dave, but you ARE seriously ill. You just don't want to accept it's one medical condition and not another.

17-01-14, 12:44

I've seen this on the forum before and it's not pretty :( Several members offering reassurance and advice and one is in too fragile of a state of mind to hear it. Often, the posts escalate, just as this one is, illustrating what everyone but you can see.

Please, seek some help. Call your GP and ask for a referral to speak with a counselor. Is there some kind of hotline you can call to speak with someone in the UK?

I truly hope some of what we're all saying gets through. Hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 12:50
Fishmanpa is absolutely correct, Dave, as is Kate. You have anxiety. Try asking for CBT. There is a free online course that is excellent.

17-01-14, 12:51
I just want to echo what Fishmanpa said above.

Dave, if my last post sounded frustrated it is because I've been where you are. I was utterly convinced the problems I had could only have been caused by something deadly and with every piece of advice from people, I felt more and more misunderstood and lonely, and I couldn't understand why people couldn't see what I could.

The second I had negative tests for the things I was scared of, the vast majority of my "symptoms" vanished. That was proof positive to me that the power of suggestion and what anxiety does to our minds is very strong and very real.

I hope you can seek help and feel better soon.

17-01-14, 15:29
Dave, is there a friend or family member you can talk to?
I think this would be a step in the right direction.

17-01-14, 15:54
i have talked to my parents but they seem to be tiring of my complaints. I just don't understand the severity of my symptoms, when i had anxiety a few years ago all i had was slight dizziness.

tingling all over, aches, pains everywhere,constant gurgling stomach, muscle twitches, earache, rashes, vomiting, nausea, headaches, surges in my head, adrenaline surges, dizziness, this is out of control. i've not seen anyone with symptoms as broad, constant or severe as mine. I accept i have an anxiety disorder but i don't think it can cause all these problems. I can't even listen to the relaxation tapes properly because i'm in such discomfort

17-01-14, 15:56
I accept i have an anxiety disorder but i don't think it can cause all these problems.

You just said you don't accept it. Therein lies the issue.

Good Luck to you!

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 15:56
Which symptoms were the first Dave?

17-01-14, 15:58

I know it's not nice and polite to mention other people when they're not around, but I am sure he will forgive me as he would probably want to help you too.

So, there we are: not long ago, a member of this forum, I think the nickname was "Gottagetthroughthis" or something like that, wrote about similar symptoms. Anxiety made him literally bedridden-he wasn't able to make two steps before collapsing in pain. All that-because of anxiety&depression, there was no other disease he was suffering from. If you wont, find that member in the member list and find his post-just to see that I am not lying or trying to console you-it really happens.

When you suffer from anxiety, that means that your brain and nervous system is affected, and then your brain sends all sorts of wrong signals to your body. That's where all these aches, pains and weird sensations come from. Higher severity of anxiety-stronger pains and sensations. This is not some cock and bull story-this is a fact, proven by medical science.

You know, doctors don't diagnose people only by their symptoms. If they did so, it would be impossible to distinguish cold from leukemia. That's why it is not advisable to self-diagnose and read Google and Daily Fail. Doctors diagnose people with SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVITY-and you can't be objective, let alone scientific (since you're not a medical professional) about yourself. Have you ever experienced a situation when your friend comes and talks to you about his exam, and he's anxious about it and he is sure he's going to fail? And you tell him: "naaaaaah, it's a piece of cake, you'll pass it easy"-although you're in that very moment sure you're going to FAIL YOUR OWN EXAM? :) Well, that's because people are more capable of objectively assessing problems of others, than problems of themselves. That's exactly what medicine is all about-objective assessment of health problems (and of course, treatment). Google can't do that-all he can do is list symptoms on one side and possible illnesses on the other. And when you enter your aches into the search engine, and see that list-it's normal you're concentrating on lymphoma (as it's life threatening condition) and not on anxiety or cold or whatever. But when doctor examines you, he's not reading Google-he doesn't need to, he doesn't want anything to blur his concentration and attention while he's helping you and objectively assessing what's wrong (or not wrong) with you. That's why there is medical science-if we were able to self diagnose correctly we wouldn't pay insurances nor would we need doctors-why bother, Google will tell you what's wrong with you and which medications to drink in an instant. Well, it doesn't work that way.

I know, one doctor can make a mistake. Six doctors can't. Accept it. It's simply not possible. Six doctors, GPs and various specialists looked at you-you had more exams than the atom bomb. All these people diagnosed you with anxiety. Start fighting it. Even if you have some other illness (and you don't)-if you are anxiety free you have better chances to conquer it too.

Don't think I don't understand-believe me, I know exactly how you feel. You fear of illness and death, you see something not normal is happening to you, you are so frustrated because deep down you "know" you have some serious illness but nobody believes you. Well I believe you. I believe you really experience every single ache you described. I believe you believe there's something really sinister going on. And your doctors believe that too-and they diagnosed you. Driving yourself insane is not nice. It is sinister. It is dangerous. And it is an illness-you have to accept that, and you're right if you worry about that. And exactly because of all that, you need to tackle it. You need to be brave, and first of all you need to believe the professionals. They're there for you-and regardless of what there is on the Google, or what Daily Fail is publishing, they're really, really doing their best to help you.

If all six doctors that examined you had told you you had cancer, and had told you to start radiation and chemo, would you have accepted that and started the treatment? Or would you have said: Oh, I don't believe them, this is not cancer, it's a heart problem-I need a stent"? Well, same goes for anxiety-you have to treat it. The more you delay it, the more severe and life-threatening (yes, life threatening, because it can make your life a living hell) it will become-it will metastasize, just like cancer. You always repeat: I accept that I have anxiety. You accept it, ok, but you're not doing anything to treat it. That's precisely why your condition is worsening-illnesses tend to worsen when people don't treat it. You may save money and book a private MRI-I will tell you my own experience. I had a MRI. I had it at the height of my anxiety and I too was feeling various aches, pains, tinglings and other things. I did it, it came back all clear. I was anxiety free-but for only three days. Then I felt something else, googled about it, and there I was-back on square one. But when I not only accepted what the root of my problem is, but started tackling it-I felt better. Don't get me wrong-I have crises, anxiety attacks and I still worry excessively about my health. And yes, I feel various symptoms too, occasionally. It's a long process, healing from anxiety. But I am slowly learning how to cope with it, and how to keep it at bay. And my advice is-you start learning it too. And don't expect positive results in two days-it takes time. But you CAN get there. As Mr Obama said, Yes You Can :) And if you show a little faith in your doctors and start helping yourself, you will!

17-01-14, 16:10
thank you so much Andrash. i am in a very bad place mentally at the minute but your post was a fantastic help, i'm going to print it off and keep it next to my bed when i'm feeling particularly ill.

Were your symptoms similar to mine prior to your MRI? It's so frightening just how real and debilitating these symptoms are and it's so hard to ignore them or pass them off when they make me feel physically sick and dizzy. I'd give anything to get back my normal life.

I read various brain tumour survivor stories which frightened me as they spoke of similar symptoms to me & being repeatedly misdiagnosed and passed off with stress/anxiety before they eventually had a seizure and got diagnosed. This is what frightens me so much. It's so difficult to put your trust and life in the hands of a doctor when you're feeling so many REAL horrible symptoms and they tell you it's all in your head. I know they're the professionals but i just don't understand, some of my symptoms can not be accounted for by anxiety and the strange surges i get in my head and through my body (feels like my hearts stopping) are petrifying.

You're absolutely right about knowing deep down something is not right & no one believing me. It's driving me insane and causing me greater amounts of stress than ever before. My body is going crazy & i just don't understand what's happening to me. I don't get the racing heart of your typical anxiety sufferer or the sweats etc. it's so difficult. it's ruining my life.

katesa- my first symptoms was a flu type illness last month, i had a temperature and felt pressure on the back of my head, it slightly eased off after a while but i never felt i fully got well afterwards. Over Christmas i went to a shopping centre and began feeling extremely dizzy, on 26th December i woke up with a pressure on the bridge of my nose (as though someones pressing it) with dizziness and aches and pains everywhere. It has persisted & worsened ever since

17-01-14, 16:20
thank you so much Andrash. i am in a very bad place mentally at the minute but your post was a fantastic help, i'm going to print it off and keep it next to my bed when i'm feeling particularly ill.

Were your symptoms similar to mine prior to your MRI? It's so frightening just how real and debilitating these symptoms are and it's so hard to ignore them or pass them off when they make me feel physically sick and dizzy. I'd give anything to get back my normal life.

I read various brain tumour survivor stories which frightened me as they spoke of similar symptoms to me & being repeatedly misdiagnosed and passed off with stress/anxiety before they eventually had a seizure and got diagnosed. This is what frightens me so much. It's so difficult to put your trust and life in the hands of a doctor when you're feeling so many REAL horrible symptoms and they tell you it's all in your head.

Prior to my MRI I had sinus pressure, pins and needles in my head and face, neck pain, lump in the jaw (which was, doctors told me, normal part of jawbone :)), palpitations, bounding pulse, excessive sweating. After the MRI, when my anxiety progressed from nasal/brain to other forms of cancers and incurable illnesses, I had chest pain, heartburn, lump in throat sensation and muscle twitches and cramps too. Of course, add drowsiness and depression (I needed two hours to kick myself out of bed) to the mix.

I know it's hard, believe me. We all sometimes feel-ok, I have anxiety, but THIS TIME it's definitely not anxiety, it must be something else. But you gradually accept it's anxiety EVERY TIME-and then the knot of fear slowly loosens. With it, the depression, and once your brain is clearer, he starts sending more right than wrong signals, and gradually the symptoms disappear too. But you need professional help and possibly medications to balance that signals for that. That's why we're so insisting about getting counselling and starting CBT. :)

You don't have to thank me-we're all here to help each other, and next time it will be you helping and reassuring me-probably by resending me my own post :) It's a long road for us all-long is the road, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light :) But that's the road we can and we shall pass.

17-01-14, 16:28
Wow Andrash - brilliant, epic post.

Dave I would place money on a lot of this being residual from your virus. They can take yonks to clear up.

I've had a look at your original list of symptoms and put my own theories next to them. Remember that I am NOT saying I am correct, I am just trying to show you that there are alternatives that are far more likely than the things you are scared of.

*Gurgling stomach - you have IBS
*Bridge of nose pressure, nose pops but still feels the same - I get this, it's postnasal drip in my case. Often a sinus issue, have you had a cold recently?
*Pressure behind eyes -when was your last eye test? Do you spend much time looking at a screen? Or even a sinus issue as above
*Tingling fingertips - very classic anxiety symptom
*Burning top of head & forehead - same as "pressure behind eyes"
*Headache-moves around head from above ears to the back corners - As above
*Tiredness - classic stress, or recovering from illness
*Nauseous/sick - Anxiety or dietary or maybe acid?
*Leg, arm and abdominal twitches -- abdominal twitches - normal for everyone, very common in IBS. We all have twitches on our limbs sometimes too. Anxiety makes tham worse.
*Wet feeling in ears-hard to explain - Sinus issue possibly (especially if you have a postnasal drip, as above) or even from just wearing ear plugs
*Pain in ears - Same as above
*Big pain in right index finger, very random - I would guess from typing/using a smart phone etc
Foot tingling-comes and goes - It's cold! Also, very very common in anxiety.
Pain in knees, elbows, toes and fingers - Possibly different things for each body part including RSI, muscle strain, bad posture etc
Sharp pains in abdomen and behind ribs - You have IBS
Pulse in strange places - Probably not so strange. My pulse is all over. Plus stress can make your heart beat harder and thus you are more likely to feel it.
Palpitations during exercise - Even my non anxious husband has this
Tight throat - Sinus issue/very common anxiety issue
Facial rash -Maybe a flush since you have said it gets better and worse. This one I would check again with your doctor since it might be an allergic reaction
Hip pain - Same as the other various body aches
Pain above eyes - Same as other eye issues
*Floor feels spongey when walking-almost like being on a boat - Probably tiredness mixed anxiety and feeling breadful
Burning in calf - If this is crampy, it's likely muscular
Tingling face, next to eyes-skin sometimes feels tight - possibly related to your rash
Pain in temples - possibly related to the eye issues
Sore, watery eyes-pain behind eyes - same as with other eye issues
abdominal pain - you have IBS
*panicky feeling-feel as though i'm about to have a seizure/pass out - defo anxiety
random pain in chin - muscle twitches? Again, very common in anxiety
pain in shoulder - Same as other achey body parts
hot and cold sensations all over the body - So common in anxiety. Or maybe you have infact got a virus..
lower/upper back pain - Again, very likely posture etc as per other body aches
sluggishness upon waking up - Tiredness
chest pain, left and right side - Posture again or acid?
sharp pain under tongue - This one, I don't know. I just know I get it sometimes
slight cough - the weather or maybe postnasal drip (sorry for mentioning that so much)
seeing things in corner of eye - is that not normal
pins and needles bottom of feet Same as tingling, since these are pretty much the same thing
shooting pains in colon (i suffer from IBS) - you answered that yourself
shin pain - same as other body aches
eye floaters-worse on a morning -again, I thought that was normal
burning face-particularly under eyes - possibly related to the rash
heavy head - could be related to most of the things on this list.

Bear in mind that I wrote that before knowing that you had recently been ill. A LOT of this could be left over from that and your anxiety and stress making it worse

17-01-14, 16:32
Thanks :) As I said before, I am actually helping myself as well as trying to help others when writing these posts-it's actually a nice (maybe a bit selfish :)) ability to help both yourself and others at the same time...

As for the symptoms, a lot of them can come from tight neck muscles-I got this from my ENT doctor, who treated my sinus problems and hay fever and who knows about my anxiety issue. When you're under stress, your neck muscles tighten, thus virtually pressing the nerves of your throat and face. It causes all sorts of weird sensations-facial pain, cramps, pressure, headaches above eyes, sinus pressure and so on. There's one muscle (I really forgot the name, it's like 30 letters and really complicated :) ) that is the main culprit for all kinds of facial/head trouble.

Try neck massage-it can really help. Of course, let professional do it-not your girlfriend or someone like that because untrained person can overpress or not press hard enough and make more problems. :)

17-01-14, 16:41
Let me add to what Andrash is saying about recovery. Anxiety is much like cancer in that the treatment is often very difficult and takes a while to put the Dragon in it's cave. I had 6 weeks of actual treatment and it will take over a year just to heal and reach what will be considered my "New Normal". Also, just like cancer, you can be treated and healed but you're not cured. There is always the chance of it rearing it's ugly head in the future. The difference is, that through treatment, you'll be able to recognize and fight him off.

You'll never reach your "New Normal" unless you take the steps yourself. A journey starts but with one step and one must continue to place one foot in front of the other to get to their destination.

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 16:41
Try neck massage-it can really help. Of course, let professional do it-not your girlfriend or someone like that because untrained person can overpress or not press hard enough and make more problems. :)

Please PLEASE listen to this.

And don't ask me how I know or why my husband once spent a month walking like a crab. :blush:

17-01-14, 16:54
Well British girls have strong hands-I lived there long enough to notice :) Beautiful girls and country though ;)

17-01-14, 16:57
Beautiful girls and country though ;)

We're something like the 82nd sexiest nation in the world.


17-01-14, 16:57
We're something like the 82nd sexiest nation in the world.


Blame the French :D

17-01-14, 17:00
Blame the French :D


Anything but my own lifestyle choices is good to me.

17-01-14, 17:08
We're something like the 82nd sexiest nation in the world.


So I HAD to look that up! ~lol~ The UK ranked much higher than 82nd in the polls I looked at! And I quite enjoyed the accompanying images to illustrate it! Now that's one Google search that won't cause a guy any anxiety!

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 17:14
I mentioned this in a similar thread the other day, but has anyone mentioned sinusitis and labyrinthitis? All your talk of earaches, dizziness, pressure behind eyes, nausea. It all fits, and it makes you so drained you can barely move. Your sinuses and ear tubes get blocked (and it doesn't need to be much mucus at all) and mess up your balance. It's very common. Maybe try a decongestant like sudafed and see if it helps? There are also prescription vertigo drugs that help.

17-01-14, 17:16
So I HAD to look that up! ~lol~ The UK ranked much higher than 82nd in the polls I looked at! And I quite enjoyed the accompanying images to illustrate it! Now that's one Google search that won't cause a guy any anxiety!

Positive thoughts

Oh you! Those photos were of my good side. Glad you liked though.

**wakes up**

Freaked is right Dave - that's what I meant when I mentioned sinus issues on the previous page but being a dumbass, I couldn't think of the word. Has your doctor looked at things like that?

17-01-14, 18:43
i took decongestants for a few days and they seemed to slightly alleviate the nose pressure but it comes and goes which i told the doctor and he said this probably signals anxiety. when i get rushes of adrenaline it seems like i get a strange feeling in my nose, it's very hard to explain.

When i close my eyes and lie down i sometimes get very strange sensations that start in my head and slowly spread through my body till i move, i find it difficult to put them into words but i'm wondering if anyone has had something similar?

i've started taking citalopram today upon the doctors advice so i'm hoping that may help me move forward.

I felt slightly better earlier but then a horrible calm feeling came over me and the dizziness briefly disappeared, after all my brain tumour concerns i became petrified i was about to have a seizure and sat deep breathing for a while, it seems to have passed but it was very frightening.

17-01-14, 18:47
I know that calm feeling, it makes you feel like something is about to happen which sends you into a panic, it happens usually when I wake up in the morning.

17-01-14, 18:52
it's almost like i'm scared to be calm cos i feel like something is building up inside me and about to happen. i'm very frightened about the possibility of having a seizure after my brain tumour concerns but i suppose this is understandable. I also have moments where i will be doing something then i stop to think about what i'm doing and a surge of panic goes through me, almost a smaller version of when someone jumps out and surprises you but it makes my heart feel like it's missed a beat. This also happens randomly from time to time.

has anyone taken citalopram and seen positive results? i was quite reluctant/fearful to start taking them but it felt necessary and the doctor advised it.

The Daily Mail articles about misdiagnosis are very frightening, they certainly do their best to derail the health services and scare the public.

17-01-14, 19:00
I've had the change in thought jump also, I believe this happens because we become so tuned in to scanning our bodies for sensations, we almost have two streams of thought constantly and when we jump into the opposite stream we jump at how much different it is, I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes by the way my streams of thought change. HA causes this too reacurr though because when we stop thinking of our 'illness' our minds start telling us to go back and think about it. it's a vicious cycle.

17-01-14, 19:01
I know that scared to be calm feeling. Very hard to describe, but definitely an anxiety symptom.

The pressure might be from anxiety, as anxiety does for some reason make people's noses and ears blocked sometimes, but that can still cause vertigo. If the decongestants helped, I'd try them again.

17-01-14, 19:18
it's very difficult to explain. The feeling when i relax or lie down is the strangest, as i lie still the feeling just creeps from my head through my body and it's very bizarre, this unusual symptom also made me worry something more sinister was at work.

it's not blocked it's just the bridge of the nose feels very tight like someones grabbing it, very unusual, strange how it comes and goes as well. The doctor checked my ears and said they were clear but i don't understand where the ear pressure, popping and pain is coming from, like my other symptoms it comes and goes and isn't constant.

The doctor told me not to persist with decongestants as they can raise heart rate and potentially cause greater anxiety so i'm just going to have to hope it clears up. I dislike how my headaches are worsening but i'm trying to ignore the dull aches, sometimes they take my breath away or send a panic jolt through me

17-01-14, 19:22
it's very difficult to explain. The feeling when i relax or lie down is the strangest, as i lie still the feeling just creeps from my head through my body and it's very bizarre, this unusual symptom also made me worry something more sinister was at work.

it's not blocked it's just the bridge of the nose feels very tight like someones grabbing it, very unusual, strange how it comes and goes as well. The doctor checked my ears and said they were clear but i don't understand where the ear pressure, popping and pain is coming from, like my other symptoms it comes and goes and isn't constant.

The doctor told me not to persist with decongestants as they can raise heart rate and potentially cause greater anxiety so i'm just going to have to hope it clears up. I dislike how my headaches are worsening but i'm trying to ignore the dull aches, sometimes they take my breath away or send a panic jolt through me

1.Do you have popping sound when you open your mouth?
2.Does your nose feel like someone has put a thumb in it and it's pressing the bridge from within?
3. Your ear pain is not really pain, isn't it? More like a strange discomfort followed by feeling that something is not right up there? Sometimes it burns/tightens a bit, like when the skin wound is healing?
4. When you lie down, you sometimes have strange facial sensations, like pressure in certain points of your face and/or jaw? Sometimes you feel like someone is pressing your upper teeth with a finger?


17-01-14, 19:24
I was just pinching my throat and noticed that exact same feeling of someone grabbing the bridge of my nose, I was pulling next to my glands (I definitely wasn't checking) could your nose thing perhaps be caused by something there?

17-01-14, 19:31
1.) yes i sometimes have a popping sound when i open my mouth

2.) slightly yes, it kind of feels like pressing from the outside though, literally just like pinching your nose.

3.) it is quite painful at times, it's sharp and it goes as quickly as it comes. Sometimes it feels as if there's a hand over my ear but i often block my other ear to check if the hearings okay and it always is.

LunaLiuna- interesting. i'm not sure, i had experienced throat tightness a few weeks ago which worried me but i'm not sure if this was because of anxiety, it was very concerning. I often had to have a warm drink to settle it. The doctor checked my neck yesterday after i raised concerns about an enlarged lymph node & didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

17-01-14, 19:35
I was just pinching my throat and noticed that exact same feeling of someone grabbing the bridge of my nose, I was pulling next to my glands (I definitely wasn't checking) could your nose thing perhaps be caused by something there?

It IS caused by something there-it's caused by tight neck muscles and TMJ problems.

When your stress levels are high and/or you sit/sleep in uncomfortable positions, your neck muscles tighten. When your neck muscles are tight, it's not the neck that takes the hit-it's the face. How? Well, tight muscles in the neck press arteries and nerves that control our facial muscles, especially these responsible for chewing food. The reaction-our facial muscles contract, "pulling" things like jaw, points in our faces or bridge of nose. Hence the sinus pain without congestion and inflammation and "dull" aches. Dave, that pinch you feel-you're actually 100% right, it's your neck muscle pinching your nose, literally :)

As for the ear pain and popping-when we're under a lot of anxiety, we clench and grind our teeth. We hence overwork our chewing muscles and the joint that connects the jaw with the scull-so called temporomandibular joint. When it is overworked, it hurts, hence pains in the jaw, popping sounds (that means the joint is slightly dislodged) and,last but not least, pains above your eyes (it connects to the scull, remember)=headaches.

Both TMJ and neck muscle problems are classic ailments of anxiety sufferers-as stress causes things that these muscles and joints shouldn't do. For example, when stressed, we clench our teeth a lot-especially during sleep. After a while, the TMJ is overworked and/or slightly moved from its original place because of excessive jaw movements.

Some of most scary anxiety symptoms, especially ones that can make us thinking about neurological disorders can be attributed to these things-and these things are actually mechanical problems, nothing else :)

17-01-14, 19:36
A lot of your symptoms sound like maxillary sinusitis I've had it .

17-01-14, 19:39
I know Andrash I have pretty bad Bruxism, I get cuts and stuff but I've got a guard now. I'm just waiting to get use to it, I've asked Dave about this before but he seemed pretty sure he didn't have it.

I've been using ibruprofen for my inflamed tmj which has helped a lot :)

17-01-14, 19:39
Ok folks... let's stop playing doctor here. The only thing we all know for sure is that it's anxiety related.

Once that's being treated and some of the physical symptoms ease, then things like sinus and or/mechanical issues can be addressed. It's like a car gone bad. You have to get the engine running before you can fix the little niggles like a broken tail light or electric window that sticks.

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 19:40
I know Andrash I have pretty bad Bruxism, I get cuts and stuff but I've got a guard now. I'm just waiting to get use to it, I've asked Dave about this before but he seemed pretty sure he didn't have it :)

If it happens in his sleep,how can he be sure? :) And it mostly happens while sleeping.

17-01-14, 19:44
I agree, mines mostly in my sleep which is why I use the guard, I was just thinking he might have noticed an achey jaw or something.

then again I thought I was dying of a neuro condition until my brother told me I was doing it in my sleep, so I understand how he might have missed a less harmful cause.

17-01-14, 20:37
i just spoke to my mother who informed me that i do clench my jaw whilst i sleep which may account for a few things. still not sure why the rash got inflamed last night or why i was so exhausted.

i took my first dose of citalopram earlier at about 1pm and tonight (7 hours later) i feel very spaced out with a fuzzy brain, it's now difficult to distinguish between what are symptoms and what are side effects. i'm trying to go with it but it's very odd and i'm still a bit worried about seizures.

17-01-14, 20:44
Ah good, I'm glad you found that out, you should check in with a dentist and possibly see about getting a mouth guard. the last thing you need is a broken tooth.

I had the same feeling whilst starting Sert. Stick with it and try not too focus on your worry about seizures, it's probably keeping you in a pretty tense state, focus on a less prominent feeling (tingling ect)

17-01-14, 21:04
yeah, i was also a victim of crime a few months ago, which i don't really like talking about, but it left me with some pretty severe dental injuries which required surgery. This caused me a lot of anxiety but i don't think it's related to how i feel now.

I worry that grinding my teeth during sleep could damage my already loose front teeth.

I'm trying my best, i feel a bit better but this always worries me as i now for every good hour a bad one isn't far away and as soon as i chirp up a horrible dull head pain strikes me down.

I'm trying my best to distract from unpleasant thoughts such as losing my mind cos my head and thoughts seem so ruffled. The seizure fear is awful when it comes, my anxiety manages to turn a pleasant few moments into a sign of impending danger. can't win!

17-01-14, 21:28
Don't worry, those good hours will turn into a good day, then a good week and eventually a good month, Good luck and keep eroding away those negative streams with lots of positivity :)

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

http:// http://www.healthboards.com/boards/tmj-disorder-temporomandibular-joint/108754-symptoms-tmjd.html

Here I just found this for you :)

17-01-14, 22:08
can't win!

If Alex Ferguson thought that in the 89' of the 1999 finals vs Bayern, he would never have become SIR Alex ;)

From now on, whenever you experience some strange symptom, you just say: "Anxiety. Bloody hell", and move on :)

17-01-14, 22:30
LunaLiuna- thank you so much, i hope so, i'm still not feeling great but i'm really trying my best. when i'm sat down i feel better but when i get up and walk around i feel really dizzy/woozy. The head pains are disturbing i hope they go soon.

Andrash- as a big football fan i like that comparison! it's really tough especially with the dizziness and headaches as they're so disturbing & hard to overlook but i'm really doing my best. I think if the dizziness shifted the rest would be a lot easier to cope with! i still have no idea what the rash came from all i know is i got very hot and stressed before it came, hopefully it was just a stress rash.

17-01-14, 22:34
Why do you cheer for? If it's Liverpool, no wonder you're anxious :D

17-01-14, 22:37
Amazing how a joint can cause so many problems! You checked the symptoms link right?

You better support Arsenal as well! ;)

17-01-14, 22:54
yeah i checked it's just how some of my symptoms aren't there and the others are constant and progressing to things like headaches which are becoming more frequent and painful! this is my main worry. Checking so many brain tumour symptom sights has scared me senseless with my dizziness, nausea and headaches.

I'm afraid not although i do like to see Arsenal do well! I'm a huge Newcastle fan :)

17-01-14, 23:00
I'm Mancunian, used to go to every home game while I lived in the UK...:) Now it's a bit more complicated of course but I still watch a lot of games via cable TV here in Germany and I was able to go to the game against Leverkusen too.

Now I hope we'll draw Bayern Munich in 1/4 finals because it's close to where I live. I'm probably the only United fan in the whole world that wants United to play Bayern :)

17-01-14, 23:07
Stop checking those sites! Dr Google isn't good for anyone! You read that the dizziness and headaches can be caused by TMJ and Anxiety can cause nausea. it's funny how you've been checked over for the things you worry about, but the one you haven't which is the most likely, you seem too dismiss!

Anyway, Newcastle aren't doing too bad at the moment, it's nice to see teams likes yours and Everton claiming some scalps.

Andrash: Good luck in the Europa league! Arsenal have got Bayern I think aswell, it's a repeat of last year ;)

17-01-14, 23:40
yeah you're right! the headaches aren't specific to a particular area which i don't know if that's good or bad? i'm sorry, that's just how i work at the minute. I'm hoping my symptoms are just getting worse before they get better!

Yeah we're doing okay, tailing off a bit at the minute but i'm hoping we make a few signings in January and kick on. Not counting on it with Ashley though, so tight! I hope Arsenal win the league this year but can't see past City.

Andrash- I bet the Leverkusen game was enjoyable! 5-0. I think Bayern would destroy United this season unfortunately but hope they draw each other so you can go to the game :)

18-01-14, 00:34
I think we could do with another couple of signings as well to be honest, at least a decent striker. Hopefully Wenger's changed after buying Özil ;)

18-01-14, 07:00
Guys, I really appreciate the support but you need to understand I've never felt this ill in my life. Last night the rash on my face flared up so badly and I felt ridiculously faint, I was sick 4 times in the night and I've woke up feeling very sick today. I really need to find out what is wrong with me before it's too late, I understand I have an anxiety disorder but there is something underlying and it's making me so ill. I really don't know what to do

You say you understand its anxiety disorder,so why do you constanly think its something more sinister ,and yes you can have along list of symptoms ,everyone hear is trying to give you advice and good advice at that ,start listening to them and your doctors until you get your head out the sand and start accepting your illness is anxiety no one can help you,please stop seeking reasurance because all its doing is reinforcing your anxiety ,start workng on getting better go and get some cbt start reading self help books learn about your illness this can help you ,so I will leave it in your hands you either work at getting better or keep looking for answers that are not there xx

18-01-14, 08:40
yeah you're right! the headaches aren't specific to a particular area which i don't know if that's good or bad? i'm sorry, that's just how i work at the minute. I'm hoping my symptoms are just getting worse before they get better!

Yes, it's completely normal, it's called a tension headache-when your stress levels are high (read now) it comes, and anxiety feeds it-the more anxious you feel, the worse and more spread the headache. :)

Yeah we're doing okay, tailing off a bit at the minute but i'm hoping we make a few signings in January and kick on. Not counting on it with Ashley though, so tight! I hope Arsenal win the league this year but can't see past City.

Andrash- I bet the Leverkusen game was enjoyable! 5-0. I think Bayern would destroy United this season unfortunately but hope they draw each other so you can go to the game :)

I'm afraid Mourinho is going to waltz through the league this season. Can't see Pelegrini getting past him, although City does have a better squad. Arsenalesque meltdown coming soon, I think-sorry Luna :)

As for United, I hope we can get in the top4 when Rooney and RVP are back. This season has always been going to be a struggle, and the Glazers with their usual penny-pinching didn't help either. :( Bayern is of course going to smash us if that's the draw, but it'll be fun to see the United again and hang around with the fellow mancunians after :)

18-01-14, 13:27
my headaches are becoming worse and more frequent, i woke up with a very bad one today and really tingly fingers, although i feel slightly more calm i'm still petrified. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2486789/Natasha-16-complained-headaches-She-died-13-doctors-failed-diagnose-brain-tumour.html this article terrifies me. Tension headaches seem to be at the back of the head but mine is predominantly to the middle left and around the ear.

18-01-14, 13:36
Dave come on, we can only help you so much. they will get worse if you don't address the issue, get a dentist appointment if you can and see about a guard and possibly some ibruprofen to stop inflammation. the spot around your ear is your TMJ ! I get temple headaches a lot because of mine, I also get pain and fullness in my ears.

Stop with the Daily fail!

Tension headaches are all caused by tense muscles they can be anywhere, I've had them on so many spots around my head I can hardly remember them all.

Are you sure you read the link yesterday?

18-01-14, 13:38
i'm sorry, it's just that the headaches are getting worse & more frequent/dull & articles like that frighten me. I went into town today which is an improvement. I have a dental appointment next week so i can enquire when i go then.

18-01-14, 13:44
See, well done. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to do that if there really was something sinister going on, I did the same yesterday. I went into 3 different shops. I haven't done that in years!

Do you have any anti inflammatory medication or foods? make sure they don't interfere with your SSRI, like I said i used ibruprofen gel on my jaw and neck and wow! it surprised me.

18-01-14, 15:00
i'm glad you managed to go in the shops, it sounds like you're making great strides forward!

no i don't use anti inflammatory medications or foods. Since coming in i've felt extremely hot and nauseated and unfortunately i've just been sick. I don't even feel particularly anxious today so i have no idea why this keeps happening.

18-01-14, 15:08
Have you been eating and drinking enough? when we are anxious I think we end up creating more acid and burning lots of vitamins and minerals we usually find easy to keep in balance.

I know when I upped my dose of Sert as well I felt super dizzy,hot/cold and nauseous, I managed to keep the sick down though. it may be the medication.

Either way, don't push yourself too much :)

18-01-14, 15:59
Actually, anxiety symptoms present themselves not only when you are anxious, but also when you are calm. That is why it is called disorder-your whole body and mind are in dissaray and it takes tine to heal. But by getting out and living a normal lofe you are shortening that time, therefore good job and keep up with it :)

01-06-15, 13:59
A few things:

First, an MRI isn't magic. It's not like the other tests are peering through the keyhole at you while an MRI is looking you directly in the face. They all have their particular utilities, and it's possible to find something via blood test/optic nerve that people don't catch on an MRI. It's the last stop because it takes the most resources, not because it's always the best.

Second, an MRI, like all medicine, takes resources, and even the fairly benign MRI exposes you to some risks, if only the risk we all take of picking up a bug from somebody in the clinic. Therefore it's not just available for the wanting of it. It's available if trained professionals who see thousands of ill people a year consider that your symptoms indicate something is a problem that requires additional investigation. But these people that know better than you do don't think you do, so they're going to send people who actually have the relevant symptoms on instead.

And do not be confused by Dr. Google. Having what Dr. Google says the symptoms are is not the same thing as actually having the symptoms. The Google descriptions are actually way too vague, much as a written description of a friend's face ("blue eyes, bumpy nose") is too vague to allow somebody who doesn't know him to pick him out of a crowd of blue-eyed, bumpy-nosed guys. What allows people to pick him out of a crowd is having seen him over and over again. That's what doctors do that you can't; that's why they know that your symptoms are of anxiety and not of cancer, because they know cancer's face and it's not on you.

Wow! Fantastically well written

01-06-15, 16:41
does anyone know how mrdave is doing ?

10-06-15, 02:25
I can understand why people feel the way do despite a negative result. The symptoms from anxiety feel very real whether real or imagined it's enough to wreak havoc on the mind. It's kind of hard to believe when someone say you're absolutely fine but you feel like you're on your last leg

23-03-16, 00:45
Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this guy still alive and around? Such a long long post.. Like they guy in Rainman.. Dustin Hoffman.. Uh Oh Uh Oh.. Anxiety ..definitely Anxiety.. ..I just read nine pages of post..and all I can say is Holy Cow.. unreal.. then I wonder why so many post you see day after day gets no comments.. but with everyone saying the same thing.. I suppose that is why .. just no point I suppose..

23-03-16, 06:00
One point to keep in mind is that an MRI scan is a fairly time-consuming and expensive procedure compared with (say) an x-ray or a blood test. In the US, where many people have to pay up-front, it might come to around $2,000, plus the fee for a specialist doctor to interpret the scan.

While I don't think cost alone should determine who gets treatment, if six doctors say you don't need an expensive procedure, you very likely don't, and it's a resource that may then go to someone about whom doctors hold grave concerns.

26-03-16, 02:05

26-03-16, 03:50

This thread is over two years old. Looks like Dave logged on a couple of weeks ago so I would assume he's alive and kickin'.

Positive thoughts

26-03-16, 09:17
My Gp does not send me for any testing he deems not necessary, the reason is he does not want to feed my anxiety, I agree with him, personally if he sent me for an MRI this would be my thought process;
He thinks there's something seriously wrong
I'd be in heightened anxiety whilst waiting scan (which could take weeks as not a priority)
Would be in extreme panic whilst waiting for results
Would then doubt the results if symptoms continued
Therefore I'd put myself through sheer hell for no reason, if you can't trust your GP, then would you trust the results?

26-03-16, 10:16
I guess we can let this thread die a natural death now. I brought it back because it was interesting and also sounds like things that I have endured.. but anyway ..