View Full Version : Hi, I have started a new job and I hate it

17-01-14, 11:02
I have started a new job in a office after 20 yrs in retail and I hate it, I cannot do the job and am really struggling. It's got so bad that I went to the doctors and broke down so badly that he has given me propranolol and diazepam, plus a sick note for 2 weeks, I have only been off for 3 days but the thought of having to go back is making me so anxious it feels like my heart is going to burst! I am on a 3 mth trial and it is going to look so bad being off so soon, I cannot believe I was so stupid to leave my lovely old job where I knew everybody so well and could do the job well, I have been applying for retail jobs but with no luck, I feel so guilty as I feel like I am putting all the burden of me being upset and money worries on my husband ( I only worked part time before and he was so pleased I had got a better job with more pay) I feel like running away, has anybody else felt like this, please give me some advise as I feel I am going mad

17-01-14, 15:10
no Foxy your not going mad i feel the same about running away

it's one of the signs of depression feeling trapped is another

hugs to you