View Full Version : totally spaced out, unable to speak coherently, isolated as a result...anyone relate?

17-01-14, 12:23
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and am writing because I'm at my wits' end...I feel completely detached from reality and this is something that I've had for a few years but was something I learned to get by and cope with, but now it's gotten to the point where I can't even maintain a conversation with anyone, be it people I've just met or people that I'm close to. As a result I've become a complete recluse and the loneliness is totally overwhelming...I'm a former drug user (nothing too heavy, mainly w*ed, sp*ed, m*ma etc) and I'm worried that I've messed my mind up to the point where I'll never be myself again...needless to say I've cut everything out and have started taking anti d's and am looking into therapy but the waiting is driving me crazy...above everything else the loneliness and fear of the future is unbearable. I can appreciate that as introductions go this one's pretty unusual but I'm seriously scared about this and can't stop obsessing about it...

17-01-14, 12:28
This isn't an unusual intro, I've seen other people on here who've had the same :)

I know its hard but I think the first thing to do is not to obsess on the depersonalisation, which is what's happened to you, check the symptoms page it explains it perfectly :)

17-01-14, 12:31
I hope things improve for you soon and you don't have to wait too long for some counselling. I know the NHS waiting lists can be quite long.

Good luck

17-01-14, 12:53
Hijack. Welcome to NMP. Everything you're talking about can certainly be put down to anxiety. There is an excellent CBT course online and it's free. Why not check it out? You will find lots of support here. Many people going through exactly the same thing. Try to find some positive posts to emulate. I've learned a great deal here.

17-01-14, 13:18
Thanks guys, yea the depersonalisation theory makes sense, I'm hoping I'll be out of this by the end of the year and that when I am I can reconnect with people again...