View Full Version : Reaching out to others, out of options

17-01-14, 13:17
I found this Forum after searching for death/health Anxiety. I really feel the need to tell my story. I hope i can find some related stories. Please if you find the patience, read on.

Since august 2012 i've been terrorized by anxiety.

My name is Jasper and i live in the Netherlands. I was born on the 29th of april, 1987.

My grandmother and mother both had anxiety in their life. When my brother was born my mother had anxiety, she worried about getting dizzy and developed a fear of driving. She never drove until she got a medicine for it.

My parents debated if it was a good thing to take another child (me), but eventually i was born.

I was born as an extremely sensitive kid. I was always concerned with others and occupied by helping others. i saw my mother's battle with anxiety and i made a pact with myself to never bother her with my problems.

I locked up inside. Because of this and my extreme sensitive side i felt anxiety as a very young boy. I remember being 7 or 8 and just feeling completely lost and trying to get myself together. I also had to deal with extreme ADD.

The positive side of being young is that you can adapt very quickly and i dealt with this problem all by myself.

So this extremely sensitive boy goes to high school, a bit overweight and crooked teeth. I got teased so much. I remember people punching me and i did nothing (like i said i was locked up and locked it all inside)

My parents never knew this and by the age of 17 i went to my parents bedroom and broke down. I told them i couldn't live like this anymore. All the teasing and thoughts i never shared about my anxiety as a kid had me severely depressed.

My parents told me they were proud i finally took on my problems and stood by me. I went to a psychiatrist to deal with the anxiety. I got medication to prevent anxiety and depression. They also gave me something for my ADD.

Couple of years pass by and by the age of 21 i was "healed". I had rewired my brain through sheer will. I did not feel any anxiety anymore. i changed allot since high school. I lost allot of weight and became very vain. People noticed me and i had allot of fun for years partying, enjoying life.

Then came 2011. I had started an relationship. This girl had lost her mother on drugs and alcohol and her father was chronic depressed. She was beaten by her mother and told all her life she was no good.

She trusted no one. She didnt trust me so she began to spun a web around me. I lost my friends and freedom because i told myself i could change her. I could fix her. (i saw her as my mother i guess) She was extremely jealous. If we walked the streets i needed to look down to the pavement because she would get into a rage if i looked at other people.

She also took my past and used it against me, telling me i was a nobody and nobody wanted me. She said it was no wonder i was overweight as a kid, i was a nobody for her.

I became very stressful, and everyday i felt butterflies in my stomach. I was scared when she came home. I didnt wanna leave her because i had myself convinced she would commit suicide and i could not handle that if that happened.

So, begin 2011, here comes august 2012. I had a new job in which i gave 200 procent. When i came home i had to deal with her and in my heart i wanted to leave.

I worked for 2 months and all of the sudden out of nothing, i felt my heart beat 200 times a minute. I felt down to the floor and felt a little dizzy. I did not feel my former anxiety, i was still strong. They called the ambulance i went to the hospital and got fired. The doctor asked me what i was doing here with this healthy heart and body.

Exactly one week passed, i was at home and drank some coffee. I looked outside and wondered what would happen if those heartbeats would come back right now.

And then it was like the dam broke. I felt this insanely intense wave of anxiety coming over me. I had myself convinced that i had a heart attack and i stumbled to the hallway where the neighbors called the ambulance AGAIN.

The ambulance checked me, i was totally fine, not even a fast heart rate. But nevertheless i felt this insane, crazy weird feeling in my body. Impending doom. I thought i was going crazy and die right there on the spot.

I told the doctor to please, please give me something to handle with this. She gave me pills to calm down which worked almost immediately.

The next year was an everyday battle not to die. The anxiety was there from the moment i woke up untill the moment i went back to sleep. My whole life evolved around the anxiety and panic.

Everyday i was scared to die. I compare it to someone punching in the gas pedal and the motor just going wild without stopping.

So, forwarding to now. The anxiety evolved in anxiety about death. I'm so scared about dieing, not being here anymore, the feeling of dieing. Everyday every minute im focused on my heartbeat. Right now i can feel it beat because om focused on it.

Crowded places are a no go. Im even more scared to get it around people.

I'm at my best alone.

Sometimes i feel like giving up and i don't wanna live anymore, but if i think about death it gives me anxiety again...

If you've read this, thank you so much. Typing my story felt good. Hopefully some of you have some tips or encouraging words for me. i sure could use them.

Thank you, thank you and excuse my English.

17-01-14, 14:11
Hello and welcome Jasper sorry to hear your story, sounds like you have had a rough time ,you have come to the right place there is lots of help and support here from like minded people x

17-01-14, 14:50

First, I apologize in advance for possible rudeness and/or bluntness, because I don't want to insult you, I want to help you.

So, I am going to be brutally sincere-a lot of problems you are experiencing now is of your own doing. Why? Well, several things:

You let other people kick you around for your whole life without responding to them. I'm not calling you a coward-I know that you always made a rational, calculated decision, based on fact, not to act instead of acting. However, that decision was wrong. Your girlfriend is emotionally molesting you and you don't respond. You let bullies make your life a misery at school and you didn't respond. Why? Because you always feared you would hurt somebody. Well, if someone is hurting you, it's totally legitimate and even sensible thing to hurt back. People always have perfect excuses to ruin someone else's life-and that's what happened to you. If you had beaten the crap out of first bully that taunted you about your weight-they wouldn't have done it any more. If you had given a stern warning to your girlfriend when she started her thing, you wouldn't have had to live years of misery and emotional terror. Sometimes you really have to be cruel to be kind. And it's a nice and noble thing to worry about others and their feelings but guess what-you have to worry about yourself now. Therefore, I know it sounds like a cliche, but a good dose of no more Mr Nice Guy attitude sounds just what the doctor ordered for you.

Concerning your health anxiety-you did a good thing reaching out to other people on this forum. We will all try to help you. You also know the path you should be pursuing, I suppose- CBT, counselling, medications if necessary and so on. But what you MUSTN'T do is cut yourself out of people. I know it's hard, I know what kind of fear and anguish it can cause-after all, I am a health anxiety sufferer too. But you have to communicate, you have to vent sometimes, you have to make people listen to you. And if they don't-they are simply not worth of you. Same goes for your so-called girlfriend (girlenemy suits her better, I suppose)-if she's with you only because you serve her as a target of her own problems and frustrations-well she doesn't deserve you too, and there are plenty of other girls around. I know she has serious problems too, but making your own life a misery is not a way to solve these problems. You should tell her that, for a starter. If she doesn't accept-well, simply remove her from your life.

Your main problem is that you let your life slip out of your control. You should get yourself back in control and quickly. You have one life, you, like every other human being, deserve it to be fulfilled, happy and productive, and no one, regardless of what reason they can toss around, is entitled to ruining it. Therefore get yourself up, get yourself together and start moving things around. And when you see that you won't get anybody a heart attack by simply living your life, you'll stop fearing that you'll get one too.

Good luck and time to kick some ass! ;)

17-01-14, 15:49
Hi Jasper,

Firstly, welcome to the forum. You are in the right place my friend.

Secondly, your English is wonderful and proves your b*tch of an ex girlfriend wrong - if you can write so fluently in a second language, you are clearly a very smart guy.

Thirdly, I agree with Andrash above. I identify a lot with you and have been pushed around and bullied myself in the past. It's what happens when our self esteem is so very low. But once I changed my mindset I stopped caring what idiots said and thought, my life improved a hundred fold. When I was at school being called a fat, ugly idiot every day I never dreamed that I would eventually have a reasonably successful career doing what I love, get married to the most wonderful man in the world, have a gorgeous baby boy and live in the house of my dreams. But all of that happened for me and I am so happy I can't express it. You will go on to experience real happiness too, I promise.

I strongly suggest getting some counselling to help you move on from what you have been through.

And a bit of relationship advice - don't try to be a white knight. Don't think you can "fix" somebody. Trust me, I speak from experience when I say that anybody who uses their own past to justify abusing you will NEVER change for you.

---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 15:44 ----------

Sorry just want to add Jasper - I have a suspicion that your fear of dying is because you haven't really "lived" yet - you certainly don't seem to have experienced many of the joys of life.

Once you enjoy life more, the fear of death strangely often reduces. At least it did for me.

17-01-14, 18:13
Hi Jasper. You write excellent English.

You have had a tough life so far. People have made you doubt yourself and you have lost your confidence. All your symptoms are caused by anxiety and the panic attacks you have been having. When you feel panicky, the physical symptoms feel very real. It is just adrenaline running round your body.
You are not going to die from anxiety or panic, however bad it feels.

I can recommend 'Stop Thinking Start Living' by Richard Carlson - a great cognitive therapy book that will help you look at things more logically. I know it can feel hopeless, but there is nothing wrong with you that cannot be changed by changing the way you think.

22-01-14, 15:57
Dear responders!

You guys brought tears to my eyes. It felt so good to read these positive/kind words. It gives me allot of positive energy to see these comments. I feel like I found a place where people really understand how anxiety can destroy a person's life. It's hard being a people pleaser, but I guess I indeed need to find help for my problems

I already called the doctor after reading your messages. Thank you guys once again. You don't know how big this is for me. I'm gonna enjoy this moment right now :D