View Full Version : Very Panicky Lately - Panic attack right now?

17-01-14, 13:18
-I've been having loads of symtoms for ages now and am actually booked in to see the doctor on the 29th earliest appointment they had. Sunday night though I did eat a large cheese pizza home made, then 6.30am Sunday morning I woke up with pain in my chest, funny feeling in my throat and burning - acid reflux everyone tells me, I panicked like mad but eventually fell to sleep at 8am.

Since then I've been having heartburn off and on. I'm not sure though as I've read so much about it being the same as heart problems and that makes me even more panicky, more so at night. Last night an hour before bed it felt like my throat was really tight and closing up, then I got in bed and tried to do a few mediation videos on YouTube but then I started getting a few pains in my chest, panic sets in, still feeling like my throat is closing but now with the pains and my left shoulder started hurting. It was hours before I got to sleep and just got up at 11.30 this morning, as soon as I opened my eyes the pains were back and my panic was back big time.

I've been having chest pains since I was 12 now and have told doctors years ago before and they just said it was the muscles but did no tests or anything.

Among my other symptoms I've been having for months now:
-I had been having slight spotting between periods (though it didn't really happen this month too much)
-Pains in my stomach.
-Back pain.
-Feel sick quite a bit.
-Have just got over a cold all over Christmas - had glands up and a lump behind my ear.
-Dry mouth.
-Needing to wee really bad sometimes.
-Bowel changes.
-Constantly tired.
-Constantly irritable.
-Everythings a huge effort.
-Constant fear and panic and dread.
-Tingling in my feet and hands.
-My ears ache.
-I've got little tiny lumps on my tongue on the side on the left at the back.
-I'm always clenching my jaw/teeth together.
-Yawning a lot too all the time even when I've had loads of hours sleep per night.
-Almost always been overweight.
-I had a slight pain in my tooth a week or so ago that stressed me a lot as I can't take toothache, it was in a filling but has since seemingly stopped, don't know if I'm getting another wisdom tooth coming through.
-I do have varicose veins in both legs, the mental health nurse thought I was making this up but she apolised when the doctor confirmed it.

Now I'm sitting here feeling cold (don't know if this is just because it is cold in here) I woke up with the slight chest pains and funny feeling in my chest, most of it is over the left side and some funny feeling in the middle, wasn't sure if it was heartburn again, so I've had a Rennie but it's still there, and I'm panicking so that's probably not helping, the doctors closes at 6.30 and that stresses me that's it's not open over the weekend, I've been crying off and on since I woke up. I also feel dizzy right now again as well, my arms feel achy, I had a slight pain in my shoulders again. And can't get the thought out of my head that's it's heart related. My nose is always somewhat blocked but I'm always trying to breathe through it don't know if that's why I feel dizzy. My back and neck ache like crazy as well.
I haven't had panics like this for ages now and hate it.

I've just moved and my chest pains came back left side and a pain in my left shoulder and my left arm feels weak and heavy and I feel really dizzy, I'm trying to burp to see if that helps. Sick and got a stomach ache now. Pain in my neck too. Am I just bringing some of those things on though as I've been reading about heartburn and what else people mistake it for?

No one is in right now but me and the dog. And I'm panicking I know I am and hate it. Don't know if there's anything really wrong or what I should do? Don't know if I should phone the doctors to see if anyone will see me, or 111 or just try and not think about it? Then I'm scared if I do phone 111 they will tell me to go to A&E. I can't go anywhere there's no one to look after the dog. I'm so scared.

I never phone doctors so you know I'm feeling it and panicking if I'm saying that. I'm one of those with HA that avoids doctors as much as possible.

Don't know if I should phone the doctors and see if they'll see me or let me talk to a doctor, but then scared what they'd say.

17-01-14, 13:32
Well, the first thing i always tell myself is that if it was heart related and i was bound for a heart attack, i would already be dead. So if you had heart problems, you would not be typing this right now and you would be in the IC.

The body is complex and allot of stuff can be wrong in the body. You must find the courage to go to a doctor. Do a complete checkup, check your heart, check the stomach everything. This took allot of my fear away.

Heartburn can be as simple as something in your stomach that's upset.

Also, are you in a stressful environment? Getting out of a stressful environment helped me allot too

17-01-14, 13:58
Thank you so much for your reply. I feel like I'm going crazy, can't stop crying and being scared.

It makes me feel a bit better when you said if it was heart related I wouldn't be online. Thank you for that. I think I was making it worse by panicking so much about what it could be.

I'm always stressed and feeling very intense anxiety all the time. Always scared, but lately with this health stuff coming back it's just got way too much. I prefer to sleep as that's the only time I don't feel high anxiety. Soon as I wake up it's back.

I sit at home all day on my own. Have had a few jobs in the past but with having Social Anxiety and all the other Anxiety I have daily it's so hard to keep going with and nothing ever lasts, I have no money and depend on others for that. Live with my partner but we live with my parents still as I'm a loser that has no money to help us move out, which we've wanted to do for years now. Then I worry if we do move out and anything happened to my partner what would I do. I sit in the same spot daily, only move to make food for everyone later and clean up, then sit back down until bedtime, then have been getting panicky in bed lately at night with thoughts and this health stuff.

I'm always so stressed. I haven't been told I have these but I know I have:

-Generalized anxiety disorder (I'm always stressing about something, our dog, my family, something happening to my family, my partner, how I'd survive, burglars, anything happening that my imagination can make up, I can't take our dog out for fear of dog attacks on him, what if this would happen and that etc, it doesn't stop in my head all day, only when I'm sleeping do I get peace from it so I'd prefer to sleep all the time)

-Social phobia. I've had this all my life. Hate going out and don't often if I can help it on my own. When I do go out with my partner usually I feel stressed but have him to focus on. If I go out on my own it's ten times worse. I can force myself to do it but sometimes don't go out for weeks on end and that's better than what I used to be like which was months.

-Health Anxiety obviously. It used to be really bad years ago then it eased and lately it's come back really bad with these symptoms I've been having.

-I'm sure I've got a little OCD as well. I have to check things about six times at night in sets of 6, I drive myself crazy and my family think I'm nuts and just laugh.

Lately I've been thinking and dreading something happening to my partner he's all I've got and if it wasn't for him we'd have no money and wouldn't be able to take care of my dog who I love so much. He's older than me which worries me so much as well.

My stepdad has blood pressure problems and my mum has Chronic Progressive MS, which I always worry I'm going to get, also what is going to happen with her. I watched my dad go slowly when I was little, don't know what he had but from when I was 2 he was going backwards in age, was eventually put into a nursing home as he was a risk around young children and he died when I was 9. My Granddad died of stomach issue though not sure what. And had to watch and look after my Nanna when she was in her last years and living with us not being able to breathe, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease was what she died of. My partner smokes and drinks and that worries me all the time.

I dropped out of school because of bullying when I was about 13/14 then sat in my room being scared. And here I am at 32 still sitting in the house stressing and feeling crazy. I've seen 2 counselors and one mental health nurse but they gave up. The mental health nurse was just trying to always make me get on buses as I hate that but that's not the main issue why I'm so anxious, I don't know what it is but it's not waiting for the number 14 bus, I wish it was that easy.

My partner's ex got him into a lot of debt as well and we're always getting debt letters off and on even though he's paid off most of what she ran up and anything else must be statute barred by now.

I am booked into the doctors on the 29th so stressing about that as well. If I go in there with the A4 piece of paper with all my symptoms written on it what is she going to think. Plus my doctors have moved building and I'm stressing about having to go there for the first time, I have been in the building but not into the doctors room bit.

Sorry for writing so much :blush: