View Full Version : Heart Anxiety

17-01-14, 14:10
Hi all.

I've suffered from health anxiety for around 8 years due to an accident. I'm now a 28 year old male and never had any serious conditions or anything to worry anyone about at all. My family have no history of diabetes or heart problems either

I've always been very healthy but since the anxiety started, I always over think things and fear the worst. At the very beginning, I was too scared to even step outside my front door and was given Propanolol (3 times a day, 40MG)

I got a lot better, got a great job, have a 3 year old son and turned my life around completely (although anxiety was present, I could deal with it 99% of the time) but I kept feeling dizzy all the time and tired and ended up in hospital with what was thought to be a panic attack (Very scary) and told to see my GP and slowly wean myself off them. I did this over time and felt better by just being off them, but in during this time I Googled the side effects of stopping Propanolol and saw blood pressure could increase, so I stupidly bought a home monitor. It's always been perfect when resting in bed but only a little increased when stressed.

I was always tired so convinced myself it could be diabetes, bought a glucose test and everytime at home - perfect. Googled symptoms again, maybe it was thyroid.

I've recently had 2 lots of blood tests to test for thyroid, diabetes, and blood count. These came back all good, I've had ECGs (one in hospital and one in an ambulance) again all clear and 2 days ago had an echocardiogram. I had a panic attack in the outpatients department but still had the test done and the technician said this was clear and no problems even with my heart was going a hundred miles per hour. She said that I wouldn't need to be called back but if I did it would only be routine.

On the way home, I nearly cried with happiness, because I'd had all the tests done and everything was fine. Maybe this was closure on the whole issue after all these years.

Recently though I've started having an ache, like a pulled muscle just under my left shoulder blade when I sat in a chair and pressed against it (which isn't there today), twitching in my arm and sometimes foot and of course automatically, I think the worst! And my biggest problem is checking Google. Most of the results are saying pinched nerve, but one or 2 asking about heart problems.

Because of this I'm checking my blood pressure again, checking pulse etc...

Even as I type this, I'm 99% sure it's anxiety but can't shake the feeling they've missed something or maybe something has suddenly developed since the tests. Would a problem even develop that quick? I thought an echo could see if you were going to develop a problem? I can't shake the feeling of feeling rubbish today even though there seems to be nothing physically wrong with me. My head feels full, twining in my right breast and pulsating feeling now and again in my legs.

I just want clarification I suppose that it's in my head, but why am I feeling like this today after I've had the all clear and can't shake it?

Is there something wrong?