View Full Version : Benzo withdrawal or garden variety anxiety?

17-01-14, 14:46
First off, a big thank you to everyone who contributes here. I have been reading this site constantly since my panic attacks came back earlier this month and have found it extremely helpful.

I had been over the worst of my panic attacks for probably 3 or 4 years until 1 Jan 2014. In December I was given 10 doses of 0.5mg clonazepam/Klonopin/Rivotril by my TMD/TMJ doctor to help with tension and chronic tooth pain (it felt as though someone were constantly hitting my teeth with a hammer). Towards the end of my course of treatment, I started having panic attacks again, unlike any I had had in probably 15 years. I am 36 years old, and my panic attacks began just before I turned 21. At that time I was also on Klonopin, but until December 2013 I had been off it for about 13 years.

He prescribed the Klonopin in mid December, and I didn't even take it every day. I finished the 10th and final pill on 4 Jan. The first panic attack I had came on New Year's Day, as I mentioned above, and after I finished my last dose, I started having massive panic attacks unlike any I had ever had before in my life. I had random intrusive memories, racing thoughts, mood swings, constant assocation chains in my brain, difficulty focusing, etc. I talked to my psychiatrist about it, and he was surprised at my symptoms but said it sounds like withdrawal in spite of the short period I took the pills.

The first 3 days were the worst, when I was bombarded with memories I hadn't even thought about in years. I would just get random memory after memory intruding in my brain along with constant internal chatter. Nearly all of that is gone now, but I am left with the following symptoms:

insomnia - did not sleep at all for the first 48-60 hours
cold tingling in my upper arms and shoulders
cold tingling in my spine
overwhelming fear
panic attacks
muscle weakness
vision problems (going to my optometrist this morning)
flu-like symptoms
difficulty getting out of bed

Based on what I know about benzos, it's pretty unlikely that I have withdrawal, but that's what it feels like. In the late 90's I was on Klonopin for probably 3 years, and I am worrying that maybe my brain remembers being on the pills before and is somehow filling in the blanks on withdrawal. Regardless of what's happening, I am terrified that it's going to take months or years to recover, because I don't think my marriage could take it.

So I'm wondering, is this withdrawal and am I going to have to wait months to feel better?

I've just never heard of dependence developing so quickly and being followed by withdrawal.

I would really appreciate any replies.

Thank you!

18-01-14, 03:46
You are right in that 10 doses of a benzo shouldn't be enough to place your body into withdrawal. Could it possibly be that you had some kind of adverse reaction to it? There are benzo withdrawal support groups which you could ask as they would be generally likely to have more experience of such reactions/symptoms. All your symptoms appear to be common to those who withdraw from benzodiazepines however.

I personally would try to let your body/brain heal and not take anything else unless you're really suffering, but if you wanted to test your theory you could try taking a benzo and seeing if any of your symptoms lessen. If they do you could be withdrawal related. Did you find that the clonazepam worked well whilst you were taking it?

What kind of visual problems are you experiencing out of interest? Is it of a grainy/shimmering nature?

28-01-14, 17:03
Yes it is......sorry to say! Im in a Benzo wd group at Facebook and only a week on Benzo can cause this.......Im too tapering Benzo Now and feel the horror, its really nasty stuff! And if People have been on it before and off and start again its Called Kindling effect.....search for a Benzo Withdrawal group and figure this, its so very true, a psychiatrist told me my Benzo was causing all my symptoms, Think about around 50 symptoms......and the taper from Benzo ect shall be very very slow.........a Liquid taper over Month.