View Full Version : Visual stuff really scaring me

17-01-14, 17:52
I've been getting loads of flashing pinpricks, and now lately sometimes these big blue lights after I blink, like I looked at bright lights even though I didn't. Moreso when i bend over or am carrying something heavy. Also extreme dizziness, tender head, migraines, etc. A neurosurgeon was meant to do a repeat MRI on me in August to monitor a cyst, but the appointment got messed up so I'm still waiting. Went to two hospitals (had my retina looked at) and a doctor, and none of them were very concerned or very reassuring.

But the crazy thing is, I'm more worried about an aneurysm than my cyst. The type of cyst I have doesn't normally kill you suddenly, but swelling aneurysms often do. I had a dream years ago, way before I had bad health or HA, that I died of an aneurysm in my mom's room and she wasn't very concerned when i started feeling bad. I spend a lot of time in there these days cos I'm sick with low blood pressure, and my mom isn't very concerned about my head stuff cos I'm usually sick. I know it's probably stupid, but it freaks me out. In the dream I had this pressure in my head, which I do get these days, and it just kept building until something burst and everything went black. It was very traumatising and I suppose now it's just given me a fear of aneurysms.

Does anyone else get the sorts of visual things I described? With anxiety or sinusitis or anything? It would really reassure me while I wait for the scan :-(