View Full Version : Nicotine wathdrawel

17-01-14, 18:26
I am a long time sufferer of HA. After 20 years of heavy nicotine use, I have been nicotine free for 13 days, 4 hours and 23 minutes. My mind and body seem to be a little haywire right now. I feel like my limbs are very heavy, my balance is a little off and my brain is in a fog. Maybe it is because I am so preoccupied with missing nicotine but I am not freaking out too bad about these symptoms. Is there anyone else out there that can relate?


17-01-14, 18:36
WELL DONE on kicking the weed mate.

I'm over 6 months clean and I don't miss the dratted stuff even a little bit now.

Try to see the withdrawal as a good thing. With every pang, close your eyes and visualise your body healing. Imagine that you have a little monster in your head that craves nicotine. These pangs are that monsters way of trying to get you to feed it. But each pang that you resist makes that little monster weaker until you starve it to death.

When you get the next one, try to think "This is brilliant. I only feel this pang because I've quit and my body is healing. I am this much closer to being free"

That's how I started to enjoy the withdrawal process.

I should say I got this technique from the Allen Carr book.

17-01-14, 18:43
Been there done that! Perfectly normal... just keep thinking it's your body wanting something it can't have. Eventually it will get bored and leave you alone ;)

Congrats on quitting!!

Positive thoughts

17-01-14, 19:12
Thanks for the encouragement on the quitting and the affirmation that I probably don't need to worry about my symptoms.
