View Full Version : Trace of blood/urologist referral?

17-01-14, 19:21
Hi all

I've searched on older posts about urine tests showing a trace of blood and have read lots of helpful advice so I'll try not to ask the same questions, I'm trying my best to convince myself that this will turn out to be nothing :/

I've recently been having lower right abdominal pain and back pain. I've had pelvic and kidney ultrasound, full blood count and kidney function blood test, all normal. They've ruled out problems with uterus, ovaries, tubes (that's where I originally felt my abdominal pain was based)

However, I've had 3 urine tests (dipstick) over the last 3 weeks which have shown a trace of red blood cells. 2 of these were sent for analysis and when I phoned for the results the nurse said 'Normal, no further action needed'. I was very relieved of course. But then, I go for doctors appointment today to discuss my ultrasound results and he tests another sample, says it's showing 'the lowest trace possible' but that he's referring me to a urologist to investigate. I am confused! I thought if the lab results were ok then there was nothing to worry about...

I'm anxious about the referral, could anyone tell me what to expect? Does this mean they will do a cystoscopy? I'm extremely nervous if so :(

Ironically, over the last few weeks I've diagnosed myself with every disease under the sun EXCEPT urinary/bladder problems! I've not had any cystitis or infections, no problems with urinating, and my kidneys and bladder were observed to be normal on the ultrasound. I'm concerned about the reasoning behind the referral if the lab results and scan were ok :/

Any experiences like this gratefully received...I'm female, 42


17-01-14, 19:52
Hi all

I've searched on older posts about urine tests showing a trace of blood and have read lots of helpful advice so I'll try not to ask the same questions, I'm trying my best to convince myself that this will turn out to be nothing :/

I've recently been having lower right abdominal pain and back pain. I've had pelvic and kidney ultrasound, full blood count and kidney function blood test, all normal. They've ruled out problems with uterus, ovaries, tubes (that's where I originally felt my abdominal pain was based)

However, I've had 3 urine tests (dipstick) over the last 3 weeks which have shown a trace of red blood cells. 2 of these were sent for analysis and when I phoned for the results the nurse said 'Normal, no further action needed'. I was very relieved of course. But then, I go for doctors appointment today to discuss my ultrasound results and he tests another sample, says it's showing 'the lowest trace possible' but that he's referring me to a urologist to investigate. I am confused! I thought if the lab results were ok then there was nothing to worry about...

I'm anxious about the referral, could anyone tell me what to expect? Does this mean they will do a cystoscopy? I'm extremely nervous if so :(

Ironically, over the last few weeks I've diagnosed myself with every disease under the sun EXCEPT urinary/bladder problems! I've not had any cystitis or infections, no problems with urinating, and my kidneys and bladder were observed to be normal on the ultrasound. I'm concerned about the reasoning behind the referral if the lab results and scan were ok :/

Any experiences like this gratefully received...I'm female, 42


I think it just means your doctor is very conscious and reliable and wants to exclude every possibility of missing something, even if that possibility is very small, before he/she gives you the final all-clear.

I am convinced it will be nothing serious and you should be grateful that you have such a good GP :)

17-01-14, 20:03
Hi, oh yes I am grateful, i dont mean anything against him at all, he is lovely and understanding of my HA and very thorough. He managed to put my mind at rest about my lymph nodes and bowel problems before we even got started on the urine. I'd just been so relieved the previous week that I could tick the urine results 'off the list' and now they are suddenly top of the list!

I always get very worked up about tests and procedures so just a bit nervous about the appointment.

Thanks :)

17-01-14, 20:33

My husband had trace blood in his urine 10 years ago. He found it weeing on a urine stick I had when I was pregnant. He had the usual tests which were all normal. The urologist just said some people do just release a little blood from the kidney when they pass urine. This can be even more marked in people that do a lot of exercise (which he doesn't). He still does have it, I test it sometimes at work and it never changes.
Always best to be checked out and I think it is standard protocol for GPS to refer now for such things. Try not to worry

rachael t
17-01-14, 21:02
I had this before then came back clear i put mine down to i was due on period and can effect it

17-01-14, 22:12
Thank you both x

I don't do what I call 'a lot' of exercise although I do walk 3 miles a day, but not anything intense...?

Hyper...did your husband have a cystoscopy at his urologist appointment? Or was it just further urine tests etc.?

17-01-14, 22:42
I had a cystoscopy two years ago. I was totally totally dreading it and it was actually nothing much at all!! I have had occult blood in my urine since the first time it was ever tested 32 years ago. I had kidney x rays at the time and told I had leaky kidneys but they functioned perfectly normally. I leak microscopic amounts of blood and protein all the time.
It has been a nightmare with routine testing as every test is positive, anyway I moved house and changed Drs and off we go again with the routine test for new dr showing up the usual.
the new Dr scared me slightly by asking if I had ever had a cystoscopy to see if I had polyps in my bladder as you can have them from birth but they don't turn cancerous until your in your 60's. I had never had the camera in bladder so he referred me and I got appt two weeks later.
They put local aneathetic gel in your urethra so you don't feel any pain - in fact I felt nothing. They full your bladder with water and if they have to put alot in to get it to inflate so they can see properly then in some people that can be uncomfortable. It was slightly stingy painful to wee for 24 hrs afterwards but just drink lots of water to preven infection and cranberry juice.
Really it was more embarrasing than painful.

17-01-14, 23:13
Hi Countrygirl, thank you so much for the reassurance, I'd seen some of your comments in previous posts too, all very helpful. Glad your cystoscopy went ok.
I've had several rounds of fertility treatment so I like to think I can cope with embarrassing and uncomfortable. There's nothing like lying with your feet in stirrups with a load of medical students staring at your cervix to make you think I just don't care any more!
I was more worried about pain. Before my IVF I had to be tested for all sorts of STDs before they would start treatment which included a urethral swab which was quick but painful. The anaesthetic gel makes sense.

I know I'm going to freak out about water going in from the wrong end :ohmy::huh:

Thanks again xx

18-01-14, 11:35
Hi, he just had an ultrasound and some very detailed urine tests. Like I said that was over 10 years ago and Urologist just said that was obviously normal for him. He still has it it he ever gets his urine dipped. Sometimes I have thought he should be investigated again as they take it much more seriously now, hence you referral, but he is fine, has no other symptoms, and it has never got any worse, as in you can't see it, it's only when it's dip stocked. Hope all is well when you go for your tests xx

18-01-14, 12:25
Thank you :)

I've done some more reading and apparently the protocol is that, if the patient is over 40 and has trace amounts of blood but no infection present to explain it, they should be referred, so yes you are right my Doc is just doing his job! So if the same thing had happened at age 39 they would not have referred me so taking some comfort from this....

I also read a lot about how the dipsticks can be over sensitive :shrug:

Thanks again x

18-01-14, 16:20
My OH had trace amounts of blood in his urine when he went for a job medical years ago. He had to have a camera up his willy, which wasn't too nice, but nothing was found. Some people just do secrete their blood in their urine. It's handy for forensic scientists apparently, as it's another way of getting dna at a crime scene. Hopefully, the referral will put your mind at rest.

18-01-14, 21:27
Thank you for the reassurance, glad to hear your OH was fine xx

08-02-14, 12:12
Just wanted to follow this up as so many people ask for advice then disappear!

I had a long 3 weeks waiting for my cystoscopy, I had it done yesterday. I feel very happy that its over and the most important thing for me is that it was all clear and no problems found. The urologist said he can't see any reason for the hematuria and in fact my urine test on that day was negative. He said I should not have any concerns but that it was protocol to check it out.

So I would just like to thank again all those who reassured me about the procedure. I found it uncomfortable but definitely not painful. It was just weird sensations that the body is not used to! It was over very quickly, I'd say about 3 minutes. Like a lot of things, the waiting and getting changed into the gown and wondering what was going to happen next was the most stressful part. I hope somewhere down the line this post can reassure anyone about to go through the same thing.

If there is anyone that needs to know the detailed ins-and-outs of what happens feel free to get in touch.

Lin xx

08-02-14, 21:45
You may never know why you are getting traces of blood hun.

I had this exact problem following a water infection years ago. The infection cleared up, but I was still getting symptoms, my samples where coming back showing no infection but traces of blood.

So I went and saw a urologist, he had a look into my bladder with a little camera, it was only slightly uncomfortable when the tube was inserted, after that I was absolutely fine and my bladder was found to be perfectly healthy.

The urologist explained that following a water infection, it isn't unusual to still be finding small traces of blood in the urine where the bladder is still healing.

I'm sure it will be fine hun, it's best just to get it checked though :)

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

lol.........I've only just realised that you have posted a follow up!!

Please ignore my above post, it's just my usual frizzled brain again!! :winks:

08-02-14, 22:13
Thanks for the update. It should reassure people with similar concerns.

08-02-14, 22:15
I am glad all is ok. And even if it was to be the worst my MIL survived at at 78 and is still going strong at 83 :)

09-02-14, 09:45
Thank you Saab and Sahara.

AuntieMoosie, LOL, I know you meant well so thank you too, I'm sure your post will also benefit someone further down the line too!

09-02-14, 14:48
Glad all is well. :)