View Full Version : what things is out there to help you Relax/Relaxat

16-11-06, 16:55
whats the difference between a Panic Attack & anxiety Attack?

will the same things that help Panic help anxiety?

what would be the root cause of Panic Attack & anxiety Attack?


will it ever go away?

what things is out there to help you Relax/Relaxation i have heard that

lavender is meant to help? and camomile tea?

16-11-06, 21:10
I am finding that having no caffine after 3.00pm helps and try and stay off fizzy drinks. Bachs rescue remedy is good.
I feel anxiety is rearing its ugy head i try hard to control my breathing slowely in and out of your nose really filling your lungs almost that your belly swells a bit - really slow. each breath should last for 7 secs!!
self help books.
good luck x

17-11-06, 16:53
Hi there.

I only drink decaff and have cut down on sugar. I find the sugar highs and lows were making me worse. I use Rescue Remedy spray when I start to feel anxious. Its a discreet one I can keep in my pocket or handbag so its easy to use and really takes the edge off which helps you get back in control.

I try to think about my breathing and making my out breath slightly longer than my inbreath. Also I think about my shoulders, I usually find they are up and I am tense. I have to lower them which instantly makes me feel a bit better, though sometimes I do have to remind myself more than once! Hope this helps, :D


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.