View Full Version : new member health anxiety out of control

17-01-14, 22:01
Hi. I am new here, but I have been suffering from horrible health anxiety since September 2012 when my mother in law was diagnosed with lung cancer. At that time I started having horrible chest pain and PVCs. I went to the doctor and he did X-Rays, listened to my heart. He said I was young and everything seemed to be ok. He pressed on my stomach and found some tender spots. He felt like I had a possible hiatal hernia that developed during my pregnancy with my 2nd child. He put me on reflux med for 2 weeks to see if that helped. IT DID. I was feeling better. Months went by I was feeling well. Then my whole family came down with that horrible noro virus stomach bug. My poor little toddler had it so bad she vomited for a week and was so dehydrated that her feet started to peel. The flu was so bad at that time. I just kept thinking if she got the flu after that then it could be devastating. It didn't help that my cousins in-laws had just lost their 13 year old to the flu. SO GUESS WHAT? Chest pain and PVCs returned. After a few trips to the DR for what I thought was heart attacks, echo was done and my heart is fine. Went back to gp and he put me back on a daily reflux med and a low dose anxiety med that I take occasionally. I started feeling good again. Sadly my mother in law passed away two months ago. Since then I am going crazy. Since then I have had swollen occipital lymph node that I went to my gp for. He is not concerned. Now I am convinced that all my problems are due to some type of cancer that was missed and I am sure to die and leave my kids without their mother. I know it is not logical but I cannot stop looking for reassurance that I will not die. I wish I could just move on and enjoy life. I don't tell anyone about my worries because I know that it's crazy.

17-01-14, 22:05
:welcome: you'll find many people who feel exactly the same here, Good luck, I'm sure your fine :)

18-01-14, 02:01

18-01-14, 02:47
:welcome: tofersmom ..
I lost my father who had heart disease (I was 19) and then later died of cancer when I was 23. I suffered with health anxiety for many years and only till recently I`ve got over it . I found I was glued to Googling symptons which was making me worse and panic more . I accept now that there's nothing wrong with me after numerous tests and also accept its the symptoms of anxiety that make me feel like I have . Chest pain, heart pain etc Shooting pains in my head , you name it . I don`t worry about it now as I`ve been given the all clear and the CBT /counselling helped

Maybe you can tell your Dr how this is worrying you and he/she can refer you to someone for help with the health anxiety ?
Ive been free of health anxiety for around 18 months now , with the right help and support you will overcome this

Take care :hugs:
