View Full Version : Very anxious of fainting today...

18-01-14, 07:12
Well today is a big day for me. I have a meeting this afternoon where I will be trapped for around two hours. Not likely to have an aisle seat.

I'm very scared and nervous of fainting. I've been worrying all week.

I've been to this meeting before and been fine, but for some reason these attacks have been part of my life for 6-months or so.

Any tips/advice would be most welcome!

18-01-14, 08:22
Hey Ralf !
Your blood pressure rises when you panic (not dangerously !) so it's impossible to faint ! Make sure that you eat some small snacks before your meeting so you aren't 'light headed' from hunger.
As you have been worrying all week you have unwittingly prepared your body for a 'flight or fight' response. My tip would be two things - do your breathing (longer breath out than in) and really be 'in' the moment, so in other words concentrate on what is being said in the meeting. Participate, ask questions - focus outside of yourself rather than on the uncomfortable feelings you may, or may not, be having.
If worst comes to worst and you start to get those waves of adrenaline ( which is ALL they are) then don't fight them, let them come and keep in mind that you have done this many, many times before and you are still here !
All the best
Lisa xxx

18-01-14, 08:27
Thanks Lisa. Will give it my best shot.

Thanks for the reply Lisa. It means a lot and already eased my fears. Great to be able to talk to people about this.

Not sure if it is impossible to faint, as I have fainted before (but on trains due to congestion, needles, sight of blood, etc), but not from panic attacks.

I will probably leave this page on my laptop, so I can talk everyone through my panic!

I am so determined to beat this. But as we all know, it's tough! x

18-01-14, 08:35
It is very tough, honey.
My Doctor told me about the 'impossible to faint' thing and, as its one of my major fears, I took a lot of comfort from knowing that. Yep, other stuff can cause you to faint if you are so inclined - but not panic ! That's why I suggested the snacks as well, I get a horrible light head if I don't eat and that doesn't help when you are anxious anyway. Oh, have some water to sip too to combat a dry mouth.
Go in with an attitude of 'I shall really enjoy this !' to start on a positive note.
What time is your meeting ?
I am out and about today ( had a panic yesterday and so I want to jump right back on the saddle today if you know what I mean !) but am happy to be around for you on here if you need it.
Do your best x

18-01-14, 08:51
Thank you. I stocked up with a few things yesterday so I am fully prepared with snacks and drinks.

I will try my best to enjoy it as best I can!

Best of luck today for you and thanks for your support!