View Full Version : Hmmm?

18-01-14, 09:34
Hellooo everyone,

I woke up with a pretty achey stomach today, all of my glands feel normal. could it be because I'm eating a lot recently? I ate 2 pieces of chocolate cake last night.

Sorry if it sounds pathetic I just dislike getting rid of one set of symptoms and then getting another, it makes me feel like they're all interconnected :shrug:

Thank you

18-01-14, 11:10
It could be anything :( It doesn't sound pathetic, we all have our fears and frightening thoughts. It could be that you're hungry, I often get a bit of a funny tummy early in the day, something else that could be making you feel queasy - mucous that runs down into your stomach can make you feel yuk too. I have a lot of sinus problems and get that a lot. I wouldn't worry too much about though. Try and have something to eat and see how you're feeling over the next few days and if you're still not feeling any better, pop in and see your Dr. :) Try not to stress about it though.

18-01-14, 11:26
Okay, I have had a little bit of a tickly throat and some sneezing so yeah maybe :) I usually wake up feeling panicky so it was weird to just have a sore tummy. I'll go eat.

But I thought the tickly throat was down to acid reflux to be honest but I don't know.

thank you:)

18-01-14, 11:45
I ate too much to last night and I have a stomach ache too. Perfectly normal but unpleasant :)