View Full Version : Slight pain in front left rib radiating around the back

18-01-14, 10:30
I posted last week regarding my concerns of pancreatic/spleen problems, I went to the doctor who informed me that when I had an ultrasound on my ovaries in Oct that my pancreas spleen and kidneys were all scanned and no abnormalities found-I can go with this.
She prescribed me lansoprazole for acid which has started to work.
However I am still getting a slight niggle in my left rib sort of behind and below my breast which radiates to my back ribs and also upper left back around shoulder blade area.
I'm really trying not to worry but as the days go on its not getting any better.
I do have a touch of ibs which is also flaring up ATM but the rib and back pain started prior to the flare up.
I don't have any sore spots nor does it hurt when I move about so I doubt it is muscular.
Has anyone had this before?

18-01-14, 11:03
I just replied to someone else in regards to the same thing. . . I didn't answer completely, I fell off a ladder over 10 years ago and dislocated my left rib so now its vunerable to any small changes - sitting standing etc. But you don't have to have had an injury to get what I get. I get 2 things, Chondritis is the nagging, pulsating, annoying pain which isn't painful but its there and I have had many a panic attack over the sensations I get along with it. The other thing I get can occur at any time, I can move too quickly and I will be in pain for months unless I go to the chiro and get it sorted. The cartlidge in my ribs pop out and so does my rib. It can be quite painful but it can also be a nagging feeling but I do know the difference as I have to get the ribs popped back in before the pain will go away. The chondritis, there is not really much that can be done to relieve the pain. I have had tons of panic attacks because of the sensation I get, it really varies from numbness over my stomach and in the area, pulsating, a feeling of movement under the skin, this pain is mainly under the left breast. I don't know what causes it but I have a feeling that because that is already a weakness that Im going to always have it come and go. If you have gone to your Dr, and they say they cannot feel anything or see that your rib has popped out, just try and relax, I know its annoying but it really is most likely muscular and its going to take some time for it to settle down.

18-01-14, 11:47
I can't ever remember doing anything that would cause any pain in my rib and upper back :wacko:
Trying so hard not to panic.

18-01-14, 18:20
I hate having health anxiety, im hoping this turns out to be nothing sinister :shrug:

19-01-14, 10:12
pain is still there, on a scale of 1-10 its only at a 2, its more the fact that its there that is worrying me.
It has now started to hurt in my left armpit area :wacko:

21-01-14, 21:20
I'm also having the same issue on the right hand side which is under my right rib and radiating to my back, I had an ultrasound last year and all was clear along with bloods, but still can't help worrying.

21-01-14, 21:42
The serratus anterior muscle wraps around there, and it's involved with shoulder movement, which also involves shoulder muscles--such as the two teres muscles, which run through the armpit.

I don't know what's causing your specific pain, of course, but there are muscles that can do what you and stressedmam describe.

26-01-14, 21:30
Quick update from me....

Last Monday-thurs I was good, no pain or anything. Then from fri onwards it is coming back, slowly but surely.
Really trying my hardest not to panic but its hard, I'm at the docs a not thurs coming but next.
It's isn't a pain, more like an ache but not there all of the time.

Been taking 30mg lansoprazole which I though were helping, obviously not.

I also though it could be trapped wind... Bt I'm not so sure .

26-01-14, 21:36
I have had a pain very similar to what you describe for about 6 months. Mine is on my right side though. It never moves.. it's always the same spot. Not tender to the touch.

I'm going to offer my reassurance to you, even though I can't reassure myself. If you had no pain for several days last week, it cant be anything sinister. Something sinister wouldnt come and go. It would be there constantly.

My pain/ache/feeling isnt there in the morning, it comes on gradually throughout the day and stays there until I get into bed. It doesnt wake me up in the night and I dont feel it until after lunch the next day... God knows what it is! I'm at the point now where I'm too scared to go to the doctors about it!

26-01-14, 22:21
This is the exact type of pain I get when I have acid. How long have you been taking the lansoprazole? Enough time for it to be working? It's best to go back to the doctors and explain that you're still in pain if the lansoprazole isn't working well enough because there are other alternatives within the same drug class and they sometimes like to do a little more investigation (breath/blood test for H Pylori and an endoscopy) to make sure you don't have an infection, an ulcer, or hiatus hernia etc. These are all pretty common and basically harmless things but they're uncomfortable.

Also, do you smoke? I recently kicked myself after quitting smoking cold turkey and seeing the tremendous acid problems I had battled for around 7 years - almost completely unhelped by lansoprazole, and which I've had thoroughly investigated with several procedures - completely disappear a few days after I stopped smoking. Additionally, I noticed my anxiety was much, much lower. So I looked it up and yes, smoking irritates your stomach lining and gives rise to painful acid feelings in the sorts of places you're describing. So if you smoke, give quitting a go :)

26-01-14, 22:48
Thanks for reassurance 😃

No I don't smoke , couldn't think of anything worse ever...never even tried it .... Lansoprazole for about 2weeks .

26-01-14, 22:51
Thanks for reassurance ��

No I don't smoke , couldn't think of anything worse ever...never even tried it .... Lansoprazole for about 2weeks .

Glad to hear your not a smoker, causes so many problems!!

Lansoprazole takes a while to work - just like antidepressants - maybe give it another week or two and see how you feel. Stress also increases the likelihood of feeling acid pain, so do what you can to relax and see if that helps too. If things don't get better, I'd definitely go back to the GP and see if there's something else you can try.

Also, try and find some fennel tea. I don't know why it works, but I have found it a magic cure for acid and especially nausea related to acid. Foods that make it worse are caffeine, citrus, chocolate (it's got caffeine in it unfortunately!), tomatoes, alcohol and anything spicy.

Hope you feel better soon :)

28-01-14, 20:57
Thanks for replying.... Haven't felt the back pain as much today but its still in my upper left abdomen :(

31-01-14, 16:12
Hi here. I have been having the same issues. I have been to my GP twice and they have told me is acid related. I have been taking a probiotic and was told to take gaviscon after meals and if that doesn't help to use a ppi. My pain has reduced but is still niggling. My GP wasn't too interested when I asked if could be muscular, my boyfriend is quite large and this pain started after rather a rough session 😳 waiting for more blood tests to come back and having a scan in March. Believe me I've been through every illness. But trying hard to believe what I'm told. X

18-02-14, 22:51
Still having these concerns, cant get to the docs until 6th march :((( I'm soooo fed up and can't stop googling ....
Convinced its bad news.... Really freaking out ovr the scan I had done,,,, no abnormalties however I don't think she scanned long enough :(

---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:49 ----------

Pain in back is mainly mid spine at bra level but today it has been more over to the left of back near my shoulder blade ... Going out of my mind with worry :(

19-02-14, 08:41
In your op you said you had a dr app coming up, did you not go as you're now saying its march.

I have got a pain somewhere deep behind my left breast which I feel on the side of my body and goes into my left armpit. I don't know what it is and neither do the drs but its ruining my life as it comes on during the day and can get quite bad. It's like a dull ache. Sometimes it's like a squeezing spam.

Hope you get some answers soon x

19-02-14, 14:15
No I was at the dr 2weeks ago, she prescribed ranitidine as lansoprazole wasn't working. However the ranitidine don't seem to be working either.
Also the dr thinks that it is costochondiritis I have as apparently that's what she said I had last year when I was getting pain in my breast, despite the
Ian being in my breast last year she said it was costo that Time and is costo this time :lac: Despite the 2episodes being completely different.
I am really stressing out about this alas I have googled a lot :(
The stomach twinges an be anywhere on the left side of my stomach from under breast bone down to my navel, this is going to sound daft but since last night I have drew a small pen mark on the location of my pain on my stomach so I can see later when I'm in the shower the different areas I am experiencing pain in, so far I have 11pen marks lol...like I say it is not a constant pain, more of a random twinge which doesn't feel like its deep.
Now my upper left backpain is mainly all over left back around shoulder blade right across to the spine area, I just can't locate where abouts it is coming from though :(

16-02-15, 16:34
hello, new to nomorepanic and have joined as i'm getting something so similar and am freaking out...
it started 3/4 weeks ago, nagging feeling under left rib, 1st week was mild then it was worse, went to yoga on saturday, so it couldn't have been that bad, ended up at doctors on tuesday as it was quite uncomfortable (and did google search )and panicked about pancreatic cancer. dr did amylase, ca125 and renal blood tests, and booked me in for ultrasound, all clear. I still have it, its ok when i lie down but now i'm keeping a poo diary and watching everything. vomited sat night following heavy meal which made me even worse with anxiety. i drove myself to A&E 2 weeks ago as I thought i had jaundice, but was a bruse from the bloood tests. I feel I'm going mad as I know this is not normal (the uncomfortableness) and no one believes me its serious. Dr has diagnosed costochondritis...

Pain is in front left rib below breast, but moves down to very low left rib, and today it felt like a vice from front to back.I just don't know whether to push for CT scan which I think they would agree to, dr said clinically its quite traumatic to do and she thinks its this costo...i of course disagree...

someone posted about the nagging/pulsating feeling and that is it, so I'm praying thats all it is. It kinds of rises and falls, then goes, is ok when I lie down, its ok now, then comes back.Nurofen takes the edge off.

I'm sorry for long post, just this is the first place I've found that sounds as if it could be the same thing. Any help/advice would be so grateful

feel like I'm going mad....

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

I should also add I have a history of health anxiety for past 4 years...and had a baby 7 months ago so not sure where my head is at...

Mallory Knox
15-12-16, 15:52
Did you ever get an answer? I would love to know as I have had similar pain!